Re-Opening Accounts or Memberships (Same Day)

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Re-Open Accounts Closed Today


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Access this screen by selecting Tool #711: Re-Open Accts/Membrshps Same Day.

Helpful Resources

Visit Show Me the Steps for easy instructions on how to use CU*BASE to reopen an account or membership the same day and complete other tasks related to opening/closing memberships/accounts.

Screen Overview

This feature is used to re-open either an account or a membership that was closed at some point during the current day. This procedure is used when an account or membership is closed and the member changes his or her mind, or when an account was closed by mistake during the day. It is also helpful when a transaction reversal or account adjustment needs to be made to an account after it has been closed, because the account must be open in order to perform any adjustments or reversals.

For example, a member comes in to the credit union and requests to pay off a loan. The teller transfer the funds to pay off the loan account, automatically closing the loan. After the account is closed, the member changes his mind and wishes to make a smaller payment instead that does not pay off the loan. The teller would use the Re-Open Accounts and Memberships feature to reopen the loan account, perform a transaction reversal for the original payment amount, then proceed with the new payment transaction.

IMPORTANT: This feature can be used to re-open an account onlyon the same day on which it was closed. Once end-of-day processing has been completed and closed accounts moved to the closed account files, this feature will no longer work to reopen the account or membership

On this first screen, choose “Re-Open an Account” (A) to reopen an individual account suffix, or “Re-Open a Membership” (M) to reopen a membership account (suffix -000). Use Enter to proceed to the appropriate screen (for re-open an account or for re-open a membership)

  • IMPORTANT: The membership must be open in order to re-open an account for that member. If a entire membership was closed and an adjustments needs to be made to an individual account under that membership, first re-open the membership, then re-open the specific account.