Xpress Teller Activate Teller Drawer

Screen ID: 

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Panel Number:


Activate Teller Drawer


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Access this screen by selecting Tool #1600 Xpress Teller.

Helpful Resources

Overview: Xpress Teller

Is it true that I don't have to activate my teller drawer with Xpress Teller?

Xpress Teller activates the drawer automatically. How do you update your totals when you purchase funds from the vault? Where do you update totals for specific denominations? What is the process for balancing?

Screen Overview 

This screen will appear when you first access Xpress Teller in the day and indicates you are activating your drawer in Xpress Teller. This indicates the branch and vault you are activating.  No separate activation is required.   

When you use Enter, you move to the Xpress Teller Search screen.with the vault populated and the cash in drawer calculated.  

The branch and vault activated is based on the workstation controls.