Overview Xpress Teller
About the Feature
Xpress Teller is a teller processing platform to CU*BASE, designed to streamline and simplify the teller experience, offering an alternative that was built with today’s changing credit union lobbies in mind. Xpress Teller is not designed to be a replacement for Standard Teller. Credit unions can use Xpress Teller, Standard Teller, or both! Xpress Teller is accessed by a Tool 1600 Xpress Teller.
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Answer Book Items About Xpress Teller (View all Answer Book Items on Xpress Teller)
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Check out What is Included In Xpress Teller!
A Powerful Search
The Xpress Teller Search screen has a powerful and easy-to-use new search engine that gives tellers a single input field to enter any data about the member and look for that data across dozens of key data points, including driver’s license number, phone number, email address, and online banking username.
The Ability to Keep Marketing Campaigns and Promotions Top of Mind
Your credit union can upload your own marketing images for display on the Xpress Teller Search screen. Included are spaces for four graphics you can use for product promotions, service reminders, reminders about how to convey your members-are-owners message, and any fraud/security reminders you may have.
See the Photo ID on the Screen
You can display member photo IDs directly on the Xpress Teller Verify Identity screen.
Customize You Experience with Workflow Controls
The workflow controls for Xpress Teller gives your credit union unprecedented control over the available features and how the tool works for your tellers, allowing for a gradual adoption of Xpress Teller. Roll this out with a few head tellers, then keep it that way or move to using it by branch or credit union wide.
Xpress Teller Transaction Limits
Transaction limits can be placed on individual tellers to avoid fat fingering and for new tellers. Transaction limits must be added and are per teller. Learn more.
Additional Features
Check out these other exciting features!
A Single Xpress Teller Funds In screen. Cash, outside checking, in-house checks, and miscellaneous advances are all entered in one screen.
Make deposits/withdrawals on the Xpress Teller Deposits/Withdrawals screen.
Easily access the Last Ten Transactions on an Account from a new look up next to the account.
Your teller drawer is automatically activated the first time you access Xpress Teller.
Answer Book Items About Xpress Teller
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General Answer Book Items
Can a workstation be set up to use both Xpress Teller and Standard Teller?
Can some of my tellers use Xpress Teller and some use Standard Teller?
What controls do I have with Xpress Teller that I do not have with Standard Teller?
Will I need to order larger monitors for my teller line with Xpress Teller?
Can different branches use different workflow control settings?
Additional Questions About Xpress Teller
Is it true that I don't have to activate my teller drawer with Xpress Teller?
What non-teller features can my tellers get to via Xpress Teller?
Does Xpress Teller allow tellers to cash checks for non-members?
How do you access Phone Operator with Xpress Teller when performing a transaction?
How do I move money from one membership to another in Xpress Teller (balance forward)?
Can you update an ID image or scan a new one from the Xpress Teller ID verification screen?
What does the introduction of Xpress Teller mean to my teller business design?
Xpress Teller Search Answer Book Items
Does Xpress Teller use privacy controls from Tool #272: Configure Privacy Controls?
How is the data gathered for the new search engine that's used by Member Inquiry and Xpress Teller?
View all Answer Book Items on Xpress Teller
Screens Used in Xpress Teller
Access Screens
Xpress Teller Advanced Search screen
Xpress Teller Who are You Serving? screen
Xpress Teller ID Verify Identiy screen
Posting Screens
Xpress Teller Checks/Money Orders 1 screen
Xpress Teller Checks/Money Orders 2 screen
Xpress Teller Deposits/Withdrawals screen
Xrpress Teller Last Ten Transactions screen
Xpress Teller Miscellaneous Receipts screen
Workflow Controls Screens
Xpress Teller Workflow Controls Entry screen
Controls which branch's settings you are configuring.
Xpress Teller Workflow Controls Account Features screen
controls settings on the Xpress Teller Search screen
Xpress Teller Workflow Controls ID Verification configuration screen
Controls settings on the Xpress Teller Who are You Serving? screen and the Xpress Teller Search screen, but mostly controls settings on the Xpress Teller Verify Identity screen