Xpress Teller Workflow Controls Entry Screen
Screen ID: Screen Title: Panel Number: |
UXTLRFLW-01 Branch Location 7151 |
Access this screen by selecting Add on the entry Xpress Teller Workflow Controls screen.
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Screen Overview
This screen is used to add additional branches to Xpress Teller.
Start by entering a branch number (click the lookup button to see a list of your credit
union's configured branches).
Use Enter to move to the Xpress Teller Workflow Controls Account Features screen that configures what is seen on the Xpress Teller Search screen. (NOTE: If a branch is selected that is already configured, you will simply advance to the screen with the configuration settings, already selected.
This screen also has a Copy all settings from branch #. Use this to copy all of the settings from another branch to the branch selected. In this manner you could make all your branches have the same settings.
NOTE: A Branch 01 is set up by default. This controls the settings for vertical receipts and receipt settings, for Xpress Teller and Standard Teller. In addition, all search settings default to unchecked. This of course can be changed when the actual branches for Xpress Teller are configured. Additional Xpress Teller branch configurations will need to be configured for additional branches at your credit union.