Fraud Status Maintenance

Screen ID: 

Screen Title: 

Panel Number:


Fraud Status Maintenance (Update or View)



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Access the configuration window by selecting Tool #1720 Fraud Incident Status Configuration. A view-only option is available by selecting Tool #1725 View Fraud Incident Status Configuration

Use this tool to configure the labels for the fraud incident status  that is associated with fraud incidents entered in the Fraud Maintenance tool.

Screen Options




Select this option to update the fraud incident status description for an existing fraud status.


Select this option to delete a fraud incident status. Fraud incident statuses cannot be deleted if there are associated fraud incidents attached to it.

Add (F6)

Select this button to add a new fraud incident status and description. After entering the information, select Add (F5) to complete the configuration and return to the maintenance screen.

Export Full List (F9)

Select this button to export the complete dashboard list to a file in your QUERYxx library.