Work with CU Budget

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Work with CU Budget


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Access this screen by selecting Tool #992: Work With CU Budget.

This is the first in a series of screens used to create budget figures in your CU*BASE General Ledger chart of accounts. For step-by-step instructions about configuring and using budgeting tools, refer to the Budgeting with CU*BASE booklet.

Start by entering a budget year. Note the most recent budget on file. You can only create a budget for the coming year; it is not possible to budget for years further out than one calendar year.

  • TIP: Use Budget Control to view your budget status controls, which control whether or not you can make changes to a budget year for specific G/L types. This is helpful if you receive the error, “Budget and/or modeling for this year and type is not open” which could either mean you entered the wrong year, or you are attempting to maintain a budget that has not been unlocked yet.

  • TIP: If you wish to make changes to a budget you’ve saved in your archive, first enter the budget year, then use the Budget Archive button.

Next, make a selection under Choose a function and use Enter to proceed:

  • To create a new budget or run additional calculation passes on a budget you’ve already started, choose Maintain budget.

  • To manually update individual monthly figures in your existing budget for that year, choose Manual update.

  • To look at your budget figures on the Budget Dashboard, choose View/Analyze.

  • To set budget figures to zero at some point during a budget year for a single branch, choose Close branch.

NOTE: If you receive the error, “Budget and/or modeling for this year and type is not open” you will need to adjust your Budget Controls to open budgeting for this G/L type for this budget year before changes can be made.

