Analyzing Household Statistics
Screen ID: Screen Title: Panel Number: |
UHHST-08 Tiered Services Score Analysis 6275 |
This screen will appear when you click the Detail button next to Tiered Services Score Analysis on the Household Analysis screen.
SEE ALSO: Household Statistical Reports (by member, by household)
SEE ALSO: Household Statistical Reports (by member, by household)
To see samples of the household statistics screens, and to read more about these statistical analysis tools, refer to the Household & Member Statistics booklet. (NOTE: A PDF version of the booklet will open.)
This screen shows the Tiered Service Levels scores that were awarded to each household member (that is also a credit union member) the last time scores were calculated (at the beginning of the month).
Remember that Tiered Service scores always reflect a member’s participation in the credit union for the previous calendar month.
The average is calculated using all household members that are also credit union members, even if their last score was 0.