Work With Investment File

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Work With Investment File



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Access this screen by selecting "Work with investment accruals/work file" from Tool #316 INV 2: Create/Work Income Accr Work File.

SEE ALSO: CU*BASE Investments Overview and Step-by-Step Procedures


Field Descriptions

Field Name


Investment Type This field displays the investment type.
Settle Through Displays the date selected when generating the work file.
Invest ID Displays the investment ID of the specific investment from the work file.
Principal Amount The current principal amount of the investment.
Accrue From

This field shows the last date on which income was accrued for this investment.

This can be the current date, or a date in the past or future depending on the status of the investment when it is set up.

Accrue Thru The date through which income should be accrued. Once the work file has been posted, this date will be recorded as the Last Accrued Date on the investment record.
Accrual Amount This is the amount that will be posted to the monthly income accrual subsidiary.

Discounted Amount

This is the income amount that will be posted to the discount subsidiary.

Discount accretion is calculated as follows:  Discount ¸ Life in Months = Monthly Income

Premium Amount

This is the expense amount that will be posted to the premium subsidiary.

Premium accretion is calculated as follows:  Premium ¸ Life in Months = Monthly Expense

Income Amount This is the amount of income gained from the investment.


Edit Select an investment and use the Edit function to update individual accrual information.
Delete If an investment should not be accrued with this month’s batch, use Delete to remove the record. The item will be removed from this work file only, and will resume its normal accrual the next time a batch work file is generated.