Create/Work/Post an Investment Accrual Work File

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Create/Work Income Accrual Work File


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SEE ALSO: CU*BASE Investments Overview and Step-by-Step Procedures

Access this screen by selecting Tool #316: INV 2: Create/Work Income Accr Work File.

This screen is used to create, edit, and post a work file to accrue monthly income for all or a group of investments. The system calculates the monthly accrual amounts, as well as any discount/premium accretion amounts, and generates a work file with all of the selected investments. Before posting, you can choose to print the work file and/or modify the accrual amounts for individual investments.

Field Descriptions

Field Name


Corporate ID

Enter the Corp ID.

Work File Status

The system allows only work file to be present at a time. If one has been created (even if it only contains one investment), this will read “WORK FILE EXISTS.” You can select to work with the existing work file, or use the button to Delete Existing Work File to clear the work file (this will read “NO WORK FILE PRESENT”) and start over.

Accrue Through Date

Enter the date through which income should be accrued (usually the last day of a month). Once the work file has been posted, this date will be recorded as the Last Accrued Date on the investment records.

  • You may accrue forward to future months, but be careful not to skip a month or life totals may be inaccurate for all investments.


Calculate Income/Create Work File

This option will allow you to calculate accrual income and create the income accrual work file. Selecting this option will also display the additional optional selection criteria, in order to choose specific sets of investments.

Select Investments With Income Calc Type

Use this optional field to accrue only investments with a specific calculation type. Leave the field blank to include all investments. This is used primarily to avoid processing the 36M types twice in the same month, if you need to run accruals more than once during the same calendar month.

Select Investment Type

Use the select button to choose specific investment types among the configured investment type codes. Multiple codes are able to be selected for accrual.

Investment ID

Use the lookup to view a list of investments, and select only one investment ID.

Work With Investment Accruals/Work File

Select this option to work with investments and calculate or modify the accrual/accretion amounts to the work file individually. You may also delete an accrual item from the work file, or simply view the results of the calculation.

Post Work File

Once you are satisfied with the work file, use this option to post the income accruals. You must still use Tool #61 Create/Post GL Journal Entries to post the JE for the work file.


Creating a Work File for All Investments

The system was designed to let you perform accruals on all investments at once, or by manually selecting specific sets of investments.

  • NOTE: You cannot create a work file if a work file has already been created, even it if contains only one record.

Use Delete from Work File (F16) to clear the existing work file.

To generate an income accrual work file for all investments, simply input the Accrue Through Date, select Calculate income/create work file, and use Enter to generate the work file. A screen will display after the work file has been created showing how many records were included in the work file. Press Enter to continue through the confirmation screen.

Once the work file is created, you can use the option Work with Investment Accruals/Work File to edit accruals for specific investments within the file, or delete them altogether.

Remember to use Create/Post Journal Entries (Tool #61: Create/Post Journal Entries) to post the entries to the General Ledger when done.

Creating a Work File for Selected Investments

This method is used when you wish to accrue income for only a few selected investments. Although it is seldom needed, you could use this method to “catch up” accruing income on a few new investments you just opened, if you have already run the batch accrual posting for the month.

Special Note Regarding 36M (360 Monthly) Income Calc. Types

Most of the investment calculation types let you accrue income for any number of days you wish, because the system reads the number of days between the last accrual date and the new accrued through date entered on this screen, and only accrues for that number of days. However, calculation type 36M (360-day monthly) is set up to accrue a full 30 days of income every time the accrual process is run. That means that if accruals are run on the 15th, then again on the 20th, most investments will accrue just 5 days of income, while the 36M items will accrue another full 30 days. Because of this, this screen lets you choose to batch process your investment accruals one calculation type at a time. If you need to run accruals twice in one month, you would need to manually process a batch for each calc. type, omitting the 36M items. However, as this happens very rarely, this method is seldom needed and you will generally leave the Income Calc Type field blank.

Just as before, to generate a work file, input the Accrue Through Date and select Calculate income/create work file. Enter your selection criteria as you see fit, then use Enter to generate the work file. A screen will display after the work file has been created showing how many records were included in the work file. Press Enter to continue through the confirmation screen.

Once the work file is created, you can use the option Work with Investment Accruals/Work File to edit accruals for specific investments within the file, or delete them altogether.

Remember to use Create/Post Journal Entries (Tool #61: Create/Post Journal Entries) to post the entries to the General Ledger when done.


Button Name


Delete Existing Work File

Use this button to delete the existing work file. Remember, only one work file can exist on the system at one time.