Creating and Posting Journal Entries

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Work With Journal Entries


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Access this screen by selecting Tool #61: Create/Post Journal Entries (Shortcut glpost).

Helpful Resources

Visit Show Me the Steps for easy instructions on how to use CU*BASE to complete tasks related to voiding teller/member checks.

Visit Show Me the Steps to learn how to perform account adjustments/reversals.

Posting Journal Entries


Can I add comments to an individual journal entry?  Should I add the sequence number in the comments?

Screen Overview

This is the first of several screens used for manual journal entries. From this screen you can:

  • Create a journal entry batch

  • Change an existing batch

  • Copy a batch

  • Delete batches

  • Rename a batch (for example, so it will post to a different date)

  • Begin the process to upload a file

  • Post multiple batches

  • Mark a batch as being a template (a batch that should not be posted).  You can always use the copy feature to post the batch.

  • Add a comment to a batch

Journal entries are typically entered in “batches” of up to 99,999 individual debits and credits. This screen lists any batches that have been suspended or are waiting to be posted. Recurring or reversing batches will be shown here as well, awaiting posting.  NOTE: You can always use the Alt key plus the underlined letter if you are a keyboard user.  Currently N/A is not used.

Can I add debit and credit entries to a journal entry batch after its been posted?

Yes, you can append additional entries to the posted batch.  Refer to this AnswerBook item for more information.

CU*TIP: If you return to this screen after canceling a subsequent screen, the batch list may appear empty. Simply use Enter to refresh the screen.

Can I add comments to an individual posted journal entry?

Journal entry comments are for the entire batch.  Refer to this Answer Book item for more information on the elements by which the comment is defined.

Using this Screen

Sorting on this Screen

All columns are sortable.  Click on the column header to sort the listing by that column.

Creating a New Batch

To create a new batch, choose Create in the Work with a single Journal Entry field at the top of the screen. Then enter the, Effective Posting Date, J/E ID, and J/E ID # fields to name the batch. (Corp ID defaults to 01.)  Use Enter to proceed to the detail screen.

  • See “Field Descriptions” below for J/E ID codes that are reserved and should not be used for manually-created batches.

Work with Existing Batches

To work with existing batches, select the batch in the list and use one of the options described below.

Upload a File

To upload a file, refer to the next screen.


When journal entries are posted on this screen, the user name, employee ID and workstation of the person posting the batch are also captured and stored in the G/L history file (GLHIST).  This will allow for better auditing of G/L activity as well as more flexibility in how the JE ID can be used to identify batches.   

At the present time, the only way to access these new fields is to run a Query on the GLHIST file.  For the journal entry batch (JEID), select the field names GHWRKSTN, GHUSRNAM or GHEMPLID. We will be monitoring how these added fields are used in credit union research and plan to include them on a general ledger related dashboard or report in the future.  

Marking a Batch as a Template

Many accountants use this area to create templates such as daily postings, and currently there is no way to restrict these templates from accidentally being posted.  To simply need to check the Template box on this screen or when adding the entries; controls will then be in place to restrict it from accidentally being posted.  You will, however, be able to use Copy to make an identical journal entry that can be posted.

Once a journal entry is identified as a template, it will not appear when you first enter the screen; instead you will see only those items that need to be posted for the current day.  Templates are easily viewed by clicking the Show Templates (F8) button that appears above the Template column.  (Once you click this button, the screen will show only your templates.)

Add a Description to Your Batch

You can add a description for your journal entry batches while adding entries to a batch or by selecting the batch on the entry screen and then Change.  From here use the Special (F1) button to access the J/E Batch Special Instructions.  On this screen enter a description of your batch in the Batch label field, and it will appear on the entry listing (in the final Description/Batch Label column).  This can be very helpful with important journal entry batches – or with your template batches.

Toggle to View the Description of the First Item in the Batch

For batches that are not yet posted, click the Show First Entry Desc. button (F11) above the description (final) column allows you to toggle between the batch label description and the description of the first item in the batch.

Filter the Listing

Enter text in the "Search for batch label/First entry description" and use Enter to view only items with that text included in the batch label or first entry description fields.

Confirmation that a Batch was Un-posted

For un-posted items, this second Toggle button above the last column will toggle to show you the date the batch was un-posted instead of the description of the first item, allowing you to easily identify them as un-posted.

Add Comments When Adding a Batch

You can add a comment to a journal entry batch.  Just select the batch and then Add Comments. 

Action Codes

Action Code



Use this to modify a batch which has been suspended or is waiting to be posted.

  • Only unposted journal entries can be changed. Once you post an entry, you cannot alter the exisitng entries without first unposting it.  You can, however, append to the posted batch.  Refer to this AnswerBook item.


This will make an exact duplicate of the entire batch, giving the new batch a unique name. For example, the copy can be set up to post on a different date. This feature is commonly used to create a template of entries that can be used again to save typing the same entries over and over. You may use this option on more than one entry to make copies of more than one batch at the same time.

This can be used with a batch that is


Use this option to delete an entire batch. One confirmation screen will appear.

  • HINT: It is a good idea to use the Change option to view the details on the batch before deleting it, to be sure you are using the right batch.


This is used to change the name of the J/E batch, including the Corp ID, J/E Date, ID, and ID # fields. You may use this option on more than one entry to make copies of more than one batch at the same time.

  • One very valuable reason to use this option is to change the date on which journal entries will post to the G/L.


Use this to post one or more batches. For example, if several batches are ready to be posted today, select the item and select Post. One confirmation message will appear so that you can cancel the operation if necessary. Using Enter again will post all entries at once.

  • This can save time when multiple batches are being posted during the day. Instead of posting each batch after it is created, use "New J/E Batch" (F6) on the detail screen as each batch is completed, then post them all at the same time using this option.

Add Comments

Use this to add a comment to a batch.

Column Descriptions

You can sort the listing by any column.  To sort by a column, click on the column header.



Corp ID

The corporation number which identifies your credit union.

Effective Date

The date to which the journal entry batch will be posted in the G/L—in other words, the date the entries will appear on the books. (Also referred to as the J/E Date.) This can be a different date from the day the entries are actually created or posted.

*Entries can be created with an Effective Date up to 15 months in the future.


A two-character identifier used to separate batches posted on the same date. This is generally the initials of the person entering the data, or some other code determined by credit union policy.

The following codes should not be used when manually entering journal entries:

  • BA Building Assets subsidiary processing

  • CD Check disbursement*

  • CV Check void*

  • FA Fixed Assets subsidiary processing

  • IN Investment processing

  • LA Land Assets subsidiary processing

  • LI Leased Assets subsidiary processing

  • PE Prepaid Expenses subsidiary processing

  • AE Accrued Expense subsidiary processing

  • TR Primary system-generated transactions (summary transactions generated from end-of-day processing)

  • ZZ Year-end closing entries generated from year-end processing (can be used when creating reversing/recurring entries, however)

*These journal entries are generated from either check disbursement or reconciliation activity processing.

ID #

A six-character identifier, also referred to as Batch ID, used to further identify the batch. Although any system can be used, it is generally used to record the date (yymmdd) when the batch was actually typed.

  • Using this field to record the date that data was entered can be extremely valuable later when searching for specific journal entries or performing other research or analysis. Be sure to use the yymmdd format, so that sorting is performed properly.

Reversal Date

For reversing batches, this column shows the date on which this batch will be reversed. When this entry is posted, the system automatically creates an “opposite” entry with this date as the Effective Post Date.

SEE ALSO:Reversing Journal Entries

Recurring Date

For recurring batches, this column shows the date on which this batch is due to be repeated. When this entry is posted, the system automatically creates a new duplicate batch with this date as the Effective Post Date.

SEE ALSO:Recurring Journal Entries

Year End Y/N

This column indicates whether or not the batch is used for year-end entries (Y=Yes, N=No).

SEE ALSO: Monthly and Yearly G/L Processing - "Closing the Books"


This column shows the status of the batch.

Active (A) - This code indicates the batch is ready to be posted—it is in balance, and has not been suspended.

Suspended (S) - This code indicates the batch has been suspended—it may or may not be in balance, but is not ready for posting.

  • IMPORTANT: In order to post a suspended batch, it must be taken out of suspense and made ready to post. This can be done on the J/E detail screen.


Once a journal entry is identified as a template, it will not appear when you first enter the screen; instead you will see only those items that need to be posted for the current day.  Templates are easily viewed by clicking the Show Templates (F8) button.  (Once you click this button, the screen will show only your templates.)

Batch Label/First Entry Description

You can add a description for your journal entry batches while adding entries to a batch or by selecting the batch on the entry screen and then Change.  From here use the Special (F1) button to access the J/E Batch Special Instructions.  On this screen enter a description of your batch in the Batch label field, and it will appear on the entry listing (in the final Description/Batch Label column).  This can be very helpful with important journal entry batches – or with your template batches.  Click the Show 1st Entry Desc/Show Batch Label button to toggle between the batch description and the first entry in the batch.

For un-posted items, the same button will toggle the label description to instead show you the date the batch was un-posted instead of the description of the first item, allowing you to easily identify them as un-posted.




Show Templates/Show J/E Batches (F8)

Once a journal entry is identified as a template, it will not appear when you first enter the screen; instead you will see only those items that need to be posted for the current day.  Templates are easily viewed by clicking the Show Templates (F8) button.  (Once you click this button, the screen will show only your templates.)

Show First Entry Desc/Show Batch Label

Click the Show 1st Entry Desc/Show Batch Label button to toggle between the batch description and the first entry in the batch.  (See description above.)

Unpost Batch (F14)

This is used to unpost a journal entry which has already been posted.

Jump to Journal Entry (F17)

This is used to advance the listing to bring a specific batch to the top of the list.  (It does not reorder the batches in the listing.)  Using the fields in just beneath the column headings, enter at least the Corp ID and the Effective Date (the J/E Date) and use this button to bring that entry to the top.