Configuring Investment Variable Rate Codes (1)

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Work with Variable Rate Codes


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Access this screen by selecting Tool #255: Configure Investment Variable Rate Codes..

This is the first of two screens used to set up variable rate codes that can be assigned to investments. With a variable rate code, you can change the rate on the code and all of the investments that use that code will be updated to the new rate at the same time.

· For example, if a group of investments are tied to the current Prime Rate, you could create a code that represents Prime rate, then assign that code to all of those investments. When the Prime Rate changes, you can quickly adjust the rate for all of the investments that use that code.

IMPORTANT: The rate itself is not actually stored as part of the code; this feature simply lets you “tag” certain investments so that they can be quickly updated at one time.

Enter a three-character code (number or letters are allowed) and use Enter to proceed to the second screen.

If deleting a code that is used by existing investments, be sure to also remove the code from each investment record. If a code is deleted by mistake, simply recreate it.

  • This configuration is used simply to define the code and a description. The Update Variable Investment Rates feature is used to control the actual rate for investments that have been assigned the variable rate code.