Employee Time Card Weekly Summary

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Time Card Weekly View by Employee


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SEE ALSO: Timecard Processing Overview

This screen appears when you use Weekly View (F9) on the Time Card Entry screen.

This summary shows a weekly time card for this employee. Not only is an easy way to see if an entire week's time card data has been entered correctly, it can also be printed, signed, and used as an “official” time card for your credit union's records.

  • CU*TIP: Click File, then Print Screen (or press Ctrl + P) to print a copy of this screen and use it as a printed time card.

Use Previous Week (F11) and Next Week (F12) (or click the < > arrows above the list) to display data for other weeks.

Notice that the top section shows your credit union's first two configured allocation categories, used to log working hours (typically regular and overtime hours). The remaining categories (also CU-defined) are used to show non-working hours such as vacation and sick time. The Daily Totals at the bottom of the screen make it easy to see if an employee's total time adds up correctly between working hours and non-working hours.

For example, say an employee normally works an 8-hour day (8 to 5), plus an hour for lunch. On Wednesday she went home at noon due to illness. If the time card was entered properly, Wednesday's daily total would show 4 working hours and 4 “other time” hours logged in your credit union's designated sick time category, for a daily total of 8 hours at the bottom of the screen.