Product Sales Information

Access via Member Sales Info (F11) on either the Online BankingShare Productor Online BankingCertificate Product setup screens. Also access this screen as part of the loan product configuration or by selecting "Member Sales Information" on the Loan Product Configuration Options screen.

In addition to providing a place for a competitive marketing statements about why the member should choose this product, you can also use this space for other helpful instructions, such as:

  • If the product is being made available to be opened in online banking, this would be a great place to tell members what will happen when the account is opened (forms you'll send, etc.).

  • If the product is not for sale on line (such as an IRA share or certificate account, or a mortgage loan), this is the ideal spot to describe how a member can open or apply for an account, even including your IRA specialist's name or loan officer contact information.