CU*BASE Query: Q-ARU Detail Stats
The ARU Detail Statistics tool uses IBM Query to produce a display showing all member activity using CU*TALK Audio Response. This Query produces a detailed list showing each individual member call. SEE ALSO: Online Banking Statistics
SEE ALSO: Audio Response/Online Banking Statistic Dasboard
File(s) used by this Query: AUDICC, MASTER
Access: Tool #137: ARU Detail Stats (AUDICC)
The list will be sorted in descending order by date, with subtotals for each date by Input Type:
P CU*TALK Audio Response (Phone)
Sample Conditions
Following are some sample conditions which could be used when running the ARU Detail Stats Query:
Description |
Field |
Test |
Value |
Display only activity for March 9, 2000 |
EQ |
'2000-03-09' |
Display calls that lasted longer than 5 minutes |
GT |
5.00 |
Displays only members listing to audio response in Spanish (not available for online banking statistics) |
EQ |
‘S’ |
Clickherefor complete instructions on navigating around the “Display Report” screen or using the available buttons.