Add New Account Suffix
These steps explain how to configure a new account suffix/suffix range for savings and checking accounts as well as IRA, certificate, tax/escrow, and loan products.
Launch Tool #105 Account Suffix Configuration.
Select 'Type' in the Account Number Configuration pop-up.
Click the forward arrow.
Enter the suffix range in the Account type From/to fields on the second Account Number Configuration pop-up.
If you'd like to create only one suffix, enter the same suffix in both fields.
Note that suffixes are three digits long.
Click the forward arrow to see if those suffixes are already in use.
If they are already in use, you'll see them appear in the list below.
If they are not already in use, no items will appear in the list and you can proceed to the next step.
In the Application type field, enter one of the following two-digit codes to define the product type to which the new suffix will apply:
SH (share/savings products)
SD (share draft/checking products)
IR (IRA share products)
CD (certificate products, including IRA CDs)
TX (tax/escrow share products)
LN (closed-end loan products)
OC (open-end loan products)
In the Description field, enter the desired description.
This will appear on reports and member statements as well as in Inquiry/Phone Operator, online banking, and other places where individual accounts are listed.
In the Receipt description field, enter a short description, which will be printed on teller receipts.
Click the forward arrow.
Learn More
Learn more about account suffix configuration. |