Assign Imitation Social Security Number

These steps explain how to assign an imitation Social Security Number to a member or non-member such as a beneficiary.

  • These steps would be performed, for example, if a member would like to add their spouse, who is a foreign national, as a beneficiary on their account.

  • In addition to using the method below, you can also assign an imitation Social Security number via Tool #3 Open/Maintain Memberships/Accounts.

  1. Launch Tool #997 Work with Non-Member Database.

  2. Click the Global Search button on the Non-Member Maintenance screen.

  3. Click the Create Imitation SSN button on the Global Search screen.

  4. Select the type of individual needing the imitation Social Security number from the Type of SSN to create drop-down menu on the Create Imitation SSN pop-up.

  5. Click the forward arrow.

    • The system will then generate an imitation Social Security number.

  6. Click Accept SSN.