Format Dates

These steps explain how to make your Query results easier to read by formatting the dates.

  • The terms file, field, and record may also be referred to as table, column, and row in the context of Queries. For details, refer to the online course CMS 100 - Report Builder: Canned Query.

  1. Launch Tool #100 CU*BASE Report Builder (Query).

  2. Select the desired options on the Build a Report screen.

  3. Click the forward arrow.

  4. Select the desired files, fields, records, and sorting options on the Report Builder - Main Menu screen.

  5. Click Format Columns.

  6. On the Specify Report Column Formatting screen, click the edit button (pencil icon) button corresponding to the field whose date formatting you'd like to change.

  7. Ensure that the Edit option is set to Date or Time Editing on the Define Numeric Field Editing screen.

  8. Click the forward arrow.

  9. Select the desired option from the Date/time separator drop-down menu on the Describe Date/Time Field Editing screen.

  10. Click the forward arrow.

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