Hide Base Share (000) Account

These steps explain how to hide the base share (000) account.

  • Once the base share account is hidden for a particular membership designation, it will be ignored for accounts with that designation in all member- and client-facing channels, unless the account has a balance. Members will not see this account in online banking, and employees will not see it in CU*BASE.

  • Reasons to hide the base share account vary, but an example would be to minimize confusion among members of a mortgage servicing CUSO that displays mortgage account information via It’s Me 247 Online Banking.

  • When the base share account is hidden, you will need to take special steps to access the OFAC Tracker since it is associated with the base share account. To access an OFAC Tracker when the base share account is hidden, access Phone Operator, select a sub-account, then click Inquiry. On the Member Account Inquiry screen, click Tracker Review. On the Tracker Review screen, enter 000 in the Account Type field and click the forward arrow. You will then see all Trackers for the membership.

  • Prior to completing these steps, ensure that the Allow 000 base share account to be hidden box is checked.

  • Self-processing credit unions can check this box on the Identify Master Parameters screen, accessible by going to OPER (CU*BASE Operator Edition) and selecting Credit Union Configurations 1 and then Master CU Parameter Config.

  • Online credit unions will need to contact a CU*Answers client service representative to have this box checked.

  1. Launch Tool #523 Membership Designation Configuration.

  2. On the Configure Membership Designations screen, select the membership designation whose base share account you'd like hidden.

  3. Click Change.

  4. In the Configure Membership Designations pop-up, check the box that reads Hide 000 base share account in all channels.

  5. Click the forward arrow.