Print G/L Daily History Report

These steps explain how to print the G/L daily history report, which shows all G/L activity sorted by J/E batch name. This report lists both debits and credits of all posted and unposted journal entries.

Following are some situations where this report would be helpful:

  • To check general ledger activity for a single day or range of days.

  • To check for unposted entries before you perform month-end processing, or to see how unposted entries will affect the G/L once they are posted. (Note: on the printed report, the posted entries will show a ā€œPā€ beside the Sequence number column.

  • To print all G/L entries made using a common J/E ID. (Please note: the G/L history is available for 2 years on CU*BASE. If you use a date older than 2 years for the Period Beginning date, CU*BASE will not have the daily history transactions to correctly display the running balance).

(Please note: the G/L history is available for 2 years on CU*BASE. If you use a date older than 2 years for the Period Beginning date, CU*BASE will not have the daily history transactions to correctly display the running balance.)

  1. Launch Tool #649 Print G/L History (Daily).

  2. Enter the Corp ID ā€“ If applicable; otherwise, leave blank.

  3. Enter the Period beginning date.

  4. Enter the Period ending date.

  5. Select the Branch, if applicable.

    • Leave blank to pull ALL branches.

  6. Select the G/L account(s).

    • Leave blank to pull ALL G/Ls.

  7. Select either Posted, Unposted, or All Entries.

  8. Make other selections as desired.

  9. Select the Printer.

  10. Use Enter or the forward arrow to print the report.

Learn More

Learn more about Tool #649.