Print G/L Monthly Trial Balance
These steps explain how to print the G/L monthly trial balance, which lists activity for each G/L account by day.
Following are some situations where this report would be helpful:
Print data for a single day/month or a range of days/months.
This report always includes data from complete months (unless you are reporting for the current month that has not been closed).
Print a detailed report listing each journal entry separately, or print a summary report showing the total debit and/or credit activity for each G/L account.
Include a subtotal for each day of activity.
Select one or a range of G/L accounts to be included on the report.
(Please note: the G/L history is available for 2 years on CU*BASE. If you use a date older than 2 years for the Period Beginning date, CU*BASE will not have the daily history transactions to correctly display the running balance.)
Launch Tool #650 Print G/L Trial Balance (Monthly).
Select Corp ID – If applicable; otherwise, leave as default.
Enter the Period beginning date.
Enter the Period ending date.
Select Location/Branch #, if applicable.
Leave blank to pull ALL branches.
Select to print either the Detail or Summary report.
Select Print subtotals for each day, if desired.
Select the General ledger account(s).
Leave blank to pull ALL G/Ls.
Select Export to file, if desired.
Select the Printer.
Use Enter or the forward arrow to print the report.
Learn More
Learn more about Tool #650. |