Tracker Type Warning

Screen ID:  n/a images\3466g_shg.gif
Screen Title: Tracker Type Warning
Panel ID: 3466
Tool Number: n/a
    Click here to magnify

You will see this warning message if you attempt to create a Tracker when a Tracker of that Type already exists. This screen will only appear if multiple Trackers are allowed by that Tracker Type’s configuration.

Press Enter to add a conversation to the existing Tracker of that type. This is recommended. It is not recommended that you create multiple Trackers per Tracker Type. This will move you to the Member Tracker Entry screen where you can add your conversation text.

Why should I only have one Tracker per Tracker Type?

Select Start New Tracker (F13) to create a new Tracker of that Tracker Type, then press Enter and add your conversation to the new Tracker.