Configuring Misc. Member Account Forms

Screen ID:  UNAFPA-02 (*) images\3740g_shg.gif
Screen Title: Paragraph Text Configuration
Panel ID: 3740
Tool Number: 261
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Access these screens by selecting a paragraph to edit on the previous screen.

This second screen is used to set up and edit the paragraph text itself. Several fields at the top of the screen allow certain printing and formatting features.

These selections are followed by lines for a short description and heading. The lines in the paragraph can even be reordered on this screen if you would like to change the placement of the lines on the page.

We have several options for editing paragraphs in forms that allow you to better customize your form, such as proportionate font versus non-proportionate font and better control over the spacing between paragraphs. This is not to say that we have implemented a word processing system with editing features such as spell check and print preview, or formatting options such as bold and italics. You can copy and paste text from other paragraphs, but you if you need special formatting tools, your best bet is still to create your document in a word processing program on your computer.

Field Descriptions

Field Name


Edit upon printing

Select this option is you would like to allow editing of the paragraph when it is printed. When this selection is checked, CU*BASE knows to present the selected paragraph when the form is printed in a pop up window so that the text can be edited. Click here to learn more about this feature.

Font Type

Want to select the exact placement of a fee schedule on your TIS disclosures? Select non-proportionate font (each letter in a paragraph is the same width) to ensure your text is lined up exactly as you want. Or choose proportionate font where some letters are wider than others (e.g., “W” is wider than “I”). Since the length of each full line will vary depending on the text, you may need to stop typing before the end of the line in order for the margins to look right on the printed form. This will take some experimenting!

Blank lines after

Want to remove the blank lines that appear between paragraphs (or size the spacing)? This configuration option allows you to remove the spacing completely or adds some new spacing options. Select from 0 (no spacing), 1 (tightened spacing) and 2 (standard spacing). You may need to play with this setting to achieve the spacing you desire.

Short description

Enter a short description to be used on various screens and lists to define what this paragraph represents.

Heading (optional)

If a heading should print above the paragraph, enter it in the Heading field. This is optional, however, if this paragraph is designed to immediately follow the text of another paragraph that already has its own heading.

  • For example, if your “Compounding and Crediting” section is long enough that it is necessary to split the text between two paragraphs, either to make it easier to read or to have enough lines to fit everything, the second paragraph would not need a heading.

Following these fields, there are a total of 90 lines for entering paragraph text. Every two lines on the screen make up one full line of print on the final form. You may have a word that is split between two lines. On the printed form, these two lines will be put back together as one long line of text.

Don’t like the order of the lines in your form? You can reorder the lines in your forms, similar to the way you reorder fields in a report you build in Report Builder (Query). Simply change the line number in front of the double line entry and press Enter. The lines will reorder according to the line numbering. If blank spaces are needed before text, do not add text in the blank lines. CU*BASE will allow you to leave a maximum of three blank lines. If more blank lines are needed, consider creating a new paragraph!

To copy text from an existing paragraph, use Copy Paragraph Text.