Investment Transactions

Screen ID:  IINTR-01
Screen Title: Investment Transactions
Panel ID: 6449
Tool Number: Multiple
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Access this screen from the Investments Dashboard, after highlighting an investment to Edit (or view), and then selecting either Principal, Discount, Premium, or Accrued Balance, Life income earned, Offset amount, or Gain/Loss amount from the resulting screen.

Screen Overview

Use this screen to view or edit Investment Transactions for your investments. In "View" mode, update functions are not available. To edit a transaction, highlight the entry and select "Update" to access this screen in which to edit the investment transaction.

Field Descriptions

Field Name


Investment ID

This field displays the unique investment ID.

Transaction Type

This field displays the transaction type, as selected on this screen.

Search for date

Enter a date by which to search.


This column shows the date of the investment transaction.


These fields show the transaction description. These fields are able to be edited.

G/L account

The general ledger account number to which this entry was posted.


The amount for this history item.

Resulting balance

The balance of the account as a result of this transaction.