Create Batch of Unsecured Loan Offers

Screen ID:  ONECLKLN-05
Screen Title: Create Batch of 1Click Offers
Panel ID: 7299
Tool Number: 1340
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Access this screen by selecting a closed-end or line of credit product and selecting Continue on the first 1Click configuration screen.

Helpful Resources

Overview: 1Click Offers, 1Click Offers (My Loans/My Way) booklet

Screen Overview

This screen appears if a line of credit or closed-end loan product is selected on the first configuration screen. Use this screen to enter the number of payments and interest rate for the offer.  (The interest rate must fall within the range of the loan category.)  Only payment frequency of monthly is currently supported.

  • Alternatively, if the % to use for calculating payment (for CC and LOC) field is used in the loan product configuration, then the alternate, view-only version of this screen is used. It includes the disbursement amount and this percent.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Depending on the size of your batch of 1Click Offers, processing times may be extended. Large batches, such as in the thousands, may take up to 10 minutes to process. Please remain on the screen until your batch has completed processing.

Use Continue to advance to the next screen where you enter the instructions and terms and conditions for the offer.