Printing Loan Forms (1)
Screen ID: Screen Title: Panel Number: |
PFRMLN-01 Print Loan Forms 1140 |
Access this screen by selectingTool #52: Print Loan Forms (Shortcut: forms).
This is the first of two screens used to print loan disclosures and other forms, customized for your credit union. Up to eight different forms can be printed at the same time.
When you click the lookup button next to the Account field,
you will be brought to the Your Most Recent
Accounts Accessed screen, which shows the last ten member account
base numbers accessed.
Once you enter or select your account, click
the lookup button next to the
Loan account suffix field, to view the Account Types
screen, which shows up to ten loan suffixes for the membership selected.
To print forms for a loan account that has already been created, enter the account base and suffix and use Enter to proceed to the second screen.
To print forms for a pending loan application, enter the account base and the loan request/application number and use Enter to proceed to the second screen
IMPORTANT: Only custom forms that have been specifically designed to be printed from an application can be printed using this method. For more information about requesting customized loan forms for your credit union's lending needs, refer to the booklet, Laser Printing with CU*BASEor contact a client service representative.
To print a blank version of any form, with no account data filled in, use Print Blank Forms (F14).