Adding a Fraud Alert/Blocked Persons Database Entry

Screen ID: 

Screen Title: 

Panel Number:


Fraud Alert/Blocked Persons List


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Access this screen by selecting "Add Individual" on the previous screen.

Related Resources

This second screen is used to add an individual to your credit union's blocked persons/fraud alert database for service denial fraud block lists.  Follow the guidelines below in the Answer Book for adding an entry to your list.  

  • If you are in View, the lookup next to the SSN will take you to the block list.  If you are in Edit mode, and the field has all zeros, a window will appear allowing you to pick from your last ten accounts. (If a SSN is shown in the Edit mode, nothing will occur.)

  • Use the Comment field for any description or comment as to why the name is being entered into the database (such as “PASSED BAD CHECKS” or ”LOAN CHARGE OFF.”)  

Use Update (F5) to save and return to the previous screen.

Refer to the Overview: Fraud Block Lists for a list of service denial fraud block lists.

Rules for All Service Denial Block Lists (Except the New Membership Denial Fraud Block List)

Rules for the New Membership Denial Fraud Block List

How Data is Matched Against Your New Membership Block List

If this data is entered...

This is what will be matched...


Must have an exact match to all digits to be considered a suspected match.

  • CU*TIP: If you have an actual, valid SSN, it is usually best to enter only that with no name, to avoid missing a match when a name happens to be spelled wrong or an alias is used.

Organization Name

Must have an exact match to all characters to be considered a suspected match. (Remember you can create as many entries as you wish for possible spelling variations.)

Last name only

Members with exact last name will be considered a suspected match, regardless of the first name.

  • Name matches are exact; variations are not blocked (e.g., “Adamson” will not be considered suspect if “Adams” is on the blocked list).

Last name and full first name

Members with an exact match of both first and last name AND members with an exact match of the last name and the same first initial will be considered a suspected match.

  • Name matches are exact; variations are not blocked (e.g., “Adamson” will not be considered suspect if “Adams” is on the blocked list).

Last name and first initial

Members with an exact match of the last name and the same first initial (first name beginning with that letter) will be considered a suspected match.