5300 Call Report Data

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5300 Call Report Data



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Access this screen from the 5300 Call Report Data screen or the Create New Call Report screen.

This screen is used to enter the data for your 5300 Call Report. The Account Codes are presented in the same order as the NCUA Call Report and are presented in sections. The Section arrows will move you from Section to Section (i.e. Investments to Loans and Leases, etc.) Position to account code allows you to input an Account Code and enter to position to that Account Code.  

For a guide with helpful tips and instructions, view the Completing the 5300 Call Report help topic.

NCUA 5300 Call Report & CU*BASE Tools booklet

5300 Call Report Upload Steps


This is the Account Code level help button. You will get a detailed description of the Account Code along with automation routine information if applicable to the Acct Code. Tips on obtaining the data from CU*BASE will also display.


This is the Refresh button. For each Account Code, you will see Comparison Data at the bottom of the screen. The Comparison Data allows you to view Account Code information and also compare prior period data for the Account Code. You can select the prior quarters for comparison by using F13 CHNG COMPARISON.


This is the Auto-pop lookup button. If this button displays next to the Acct Code, that means that one or more automation routines are available. Automation routines will automatically populate CU*BASE data based on credit union configured data.


Automation Routines currently available in CU*BASE:

  • Prior Qtr – Copy from prior quarter Call Report – this would be ideal for free-form text fields or checkboxes that seldom change from one quarter to the next.

  • G/L Balance(s) – Pull a CU*BASE quarterly General Ledger balance or multiple G/L balance(s).

  • Count/Amount by Loan Purpose Code(s) - Pulls from MEMBER5/6 the Purpose Codes in the range entered and take the count/amount for the selected loans. Active status and non-written off loans are included.

  • Count/Amount by Loan Security Code(s) - Pulls from MEMBER5/6 the Security Codes in the range entered and take the count/amount for the selected loans. Active status and non-written off loans are included.

  • Count Member Accounts by G/L (from EOM MEMBER files) - The quarter end number of accounts from the appropriate MEMBERX file with a primary G/L number in the selected range.

  • Account Balances by Primary G/L (from EOM MEMBER files) - The quarter end account balances from the appropriate MEMBERX file with a primary G/L number in the selected range.

  • Count/Amount by Loan Category Code(s) – Pulls from MEMBER 5/6 the Category Codes in the range entered and take the count/amount for the selected loans. Active status and non-written off loans are included.

  • Count/Amount by Dividend Application – Pulls from MEMBER1/2/4 the Dividend Applications entered and take the count/amount for the selected accounts.

  • Count/Amount by Loan Classification Code – Pulls from MEMBER 5/6 the Loan Classification Code in the range entered and take the count/amount for the selected loans.  Active and non-written off loans are included.

The software has default automation routines, where specific G/L accounts will default for you, i.e. Cash on Hand 739.00-739.99. You can change the default G/L routines, if desired.  Click here for a list.

General Ledger automation routines consider both the classification of the G/L account and the G/L balance when determining how to calculate and display your results. The software follows the NCUA standards for classification (asset, income, expense, liability). Therefore, it is recommended to set up your credit union’s financial statements with G/L ranges and classifications as follows:

G/L Number  Description Classification

100.00 – 199.99  Income   I

200.00 – 399.00  Expense  E

400.00 – 499.99  Gain/Loss I

700.00 – 799.00  Assets  A

800.00 – 899.00  Liability  L

Special Note on Gain (Loss)/Income(Expense) Account Codes: An automation routine may not calculate correctly if G/L’s within the configuration are classified as Expense instead of Income. There are just a few of these, such as A420 Gain (Loss) on Investments or A440 Other Non-Operating Income (Expense).

This is because of how the NCUA wants to see these numbers: If they see a positive number in one of these gain/loss Account Codes, they want that to mean a gain, and if they see a negative number, they want that to mean a loss. If these are set up in your G/L as expenses, they will work fine for your CU*BASE financial reports, but the 5300 Call Report auto-population routine will not be able to guess that your G/Ls are different from what the Call Report software is expecting to see.

If you do not want to classify your 400 series gain/loss accounts as income accounts, you can simply disable the auto-pop routines for those particular Account Codes and manually enter the numbers yourself.

If you do want to use the auto-pop routines, it is a simple matter of switching the classification in your Chart of Accounts. Be aware, however, that you may need to tweak your financial report configuration a bit so that your balance sheet still makes sense. In general you will want to list your income accounts with a “net income before gain/loss” sub-title, then expenses, then show the Net Gain (Loss) below that.

  • Do not misunderstand: This doesn’t mean you can’t have G/L accounts that sometimes have a positive and sometimes a negative balance. That happens all over the place in many different types of G/L accounts, and both CU*BASE 5300 Call Report tool calculations and the NCUA software will handle them just fine. And it doesn’t mean you can’t keep your classifications the same as they are now if you prefer another method; you will just need to remove the auto-pop routine on those few Account Codes and include that in your manual review of your Call Report data.

There may be instances where you need to modify auto-populated data. For example, to add in outside vendor totals or update a G/L balance that has been adjusted after you created your CU*BASE Call Report.

On Account Codes where you have to add in outside vendor data to CU*BASE data, you can modify the value on the Call Report Data screen without changing your configuration. In the Comparison data window, you will see the ‘Modified’ to remind you that the auto-populated value was changed.

Be sure to use Recalc Totals (F8) to re-calculate the Totals after you have modified an Account Code.

When you have completed your call report, use "Create XML file" (F14) to prepare to upload your data to the NCUA.  

Field Descriptions

Field Name


Account Code

The NCUA defined Account Code.


The Account Code description.

Data for …

The data for the Account Code. You can manually enter data or auto-populate data.





Show/Hide Totals (F8)

Use this to display/not display the totals on the screen

Recalc Totals (F10)

Use this to recalculate the totals that display on the screen.

Change Comparison (F13)

Use this to change the Call Report year/quarter that displays as comparison data in the Comparison Data section of the screen

Create XML File (F14)

Use this to create an XML file of your Call Report data to be imported to the NCUA  A warning message will appear with hard errors you may choose to correct.