Member Rate Maintenance

Screen ID: 

Screen Title: 

Panel Number:


Dividend Rate Update


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Access this screen by selecting Tool #506: Member Rate Maintenance (Shortcut: ratemaint).

Helpful Resources

Learn how to update a certificate balance range.

Manager's Notes - Pricing Strategies and CU*BASE Tools

Screen Overview

This is the first of several screens used to update dividend rates for share type accounts and certificates. It is also used to update the loan interest rates that are shown when using the CU*BASE Rate Inquiry feature to quote loan rates to members.

Enter your Corporate ID in front of the desired product type (if entered via the tool) or simply click a button.


Share Rate Tolerances (F10) can be used to set an upper and lower range of rates to prevent any product from accidentally being changed to an unreasonable rate (i.e., 84.000% instead of 8.400%).  This is only available via the Management option.