Transaction Service Charge Configuration - Program Settings and Criteria

Screen ID: 

Screen Title: 

Panel Number:


Transaction Service Charge Program Settings


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This screen appears when you select "Add New" (F6) on the initial transaction charge screen or when you select an existing transaction service charge and then "Programs Settings and Criteria", "View," or "Copy."

This screen is used to control when the fee is charged (daily or monthly) and the selection parameters that determine which specific transactions incur a fee. Start by completing the fields at the top of the screen (described below).  When you are finished, use Save/Done to advance to the Fee Waiver screen, or return to the original listing.

If you wanted these conditions to apply to multiple specific DIVAPLs (for example SD and CK), then you would select them on the Fee and Waiver screen. In this case, the conditions would only be applied to these DIVAPLs. 

  • NOTE:  You are not charged for a service charge until "Activate this service charge program" is checked on this screen.

  • IMPORTANT: CU*BASE service charge options are very flexible, and therefore should be discussed with a client service representative prior to implementation. We offer a service to configure and test the fee before the first posting, which generally occurs at month-end. For online clients there is fee.  Refer to the Pricing Guide for details.  You are not charged a fee until the service charge is activated on this screen.  For programs you are considering running, it is recommended that you first use the Audit feature which produces reports similar to the posting reports, but does not post any fees.

Modifying Existing Conditions/Adding New Conditions

To modify the conditions of a certain item in the list, select it and use the Change (1) option. The comparison criteria screen will appear. (NOTE: You can change the comparison values and designate And/Or/End but cannot change the field.)  TIP:  Since the Dividend Application is selected/identified in the "Apply to specific products" field on this screen, there is no reason to include the Dividend Application in this listing.

  • To insert a new condition in the middle of existing items, select one of the existing records and use either the Insert Before (2) or Insert After (3) option. The field selection screen will appear next.

  • To add a new condition at the end of the list, use Add Criteria (F9). The field selection screen will appear. The condition that was previously at the end of the list will be changed to an “And” condition automatically.

  • To remove conditions from the end of the list, select the condition that should be last, use the Change (1) option to display the conditions screen, then choose “End” on that screen. All remaining conditions will be deleted automatically.

  • It is not possible to delete a condition from the middle of the list. Try changing the condition parameters, or mark the condition just prior to that with “End” to remove all conditions from that point down, then append new records to the end of the list.

Steps for Using this Screen

Use the following steps to enter the desired conditions on this screen. (HINT: This is similar to the “Select Records” logic used by the CU*BASE Report Builder.)

  1. Select a field - This screen lists all of the commonly-used fields used for service charges. Select one of these fields and use Enter to proceed to the next screen.

  2. Specify conditions - This screen is used to specify the conditions for the selected field. Choose one comparison option (equal to, greater than, etc.) and enter the data value for the comparison.

    • NOTE: If current balance is selected as the condition (CURBAL), a field will be available to enter a current balance. You may enter a negative number in this field.  This is helpful for credit unions who may want their Transaction Service Charge to deliver a tolerance for a current balance negative amount. For example, negative balances can occur when other types of fees are assessed or when there are force posts for debit card purchases.

  3. If there will be additional conditions for this service charge, choose either “And” or “Or” to set up the next condition:

    • Choose “And” to add an additional condition that modifies this one. A transaction must match BOTH conditions in order to be included.

    • Choose “Or” to add a new, separate condition. Any transaction that matches either or both of the conditions will be included.

    • If this is the last condition, choose “End.”

  1. Press Enter to continue. If “And” or “Or” was selected, the field selection screen will reappear; repeat starting with step 1 until all conditions are entered. If “End” was selected, the Program Number screen will reappear.

  • NOTE:  You are not charged for a service charge until "Activate this service charge program" is checked on this screen.

Tips for Multiple Selection Criteria

Special rules apply when combining "And" and "Or" options in a list of conditions. For example, say you wish to include transactions with a Tran Code of 13 and a Tran Type of 15 (an “And” condition) as well as any transactions with a Tran Code of 13 and a Tran Type of 30 (an “Or” condition). The conditions would be entered as follows:





The system first gathers all transactions with a code of 13 and a type of 15, then gathers all transactions with a code of 13 and a type of 30. A common mistake is to exclude the second TRANCD condition and enter TRTYPE EQ 30 on this line instead. (That would result in records with Trans Code 13 and Tran Type 15, as well as ALL other transactions with Tran Type 30, regardless of the transaction code.)

  • If you wanted these conditions to apply to multiple specific DIVAPLs (for example SD and CK), then you would select them on the Fee and Waiver screen. In this case, the conditions would only be applied to these DIVAPLs.

Field Descriptions

Field Name


Activate this service charge program

Leave this box unchecked to test the service charge before it is implemented. This can be used in conjunction with the Run Audit feature on the previous screen to test as program before it is activated.

This can also be unchecked to suspend a service charge without deleting it.  If this box is unchecked, it will not post a fee to a member's account.

Check this box to activate a service charge so it posts fees to member's accounts.  If this box is checked, it will post fees to member's accounts during the normal posting programs.

Generate notice when posting to member

Check this to generate a notice to be sent to the member when the fee is posted.  The notice text can be changed.  The original text is covered in back section of the Member Notices: Configuring and Printing CU-Defined Notices and e-Notices booklet.


Choose either Monthly (M - EOM) or Daily (D-EOD)

This will select whether they system runs the program at End-of-day to charge the fee every day according to transactions that occurred during that day, or End-of-month, to charge the fee once a month on the last day of the month, for transactions that occurred throughout that month.


In this column, an “AND” designates a condition that modifies the condition just above it. An “OR” starts a new set of conditions.

Field Name

The field name in which the data string will be found in account and transaction records. 


The comparison option for this condition:

EQ Equal to

NE Not equal to

LT Less than

LE Less than or equal to

GT Greater than

GE Greater than or equal to


This indicates the type of field in the file (character, numeric or packed).

Compare Data

The data value that was entered for the comparison.

Field Description

The description of the field.


The file where the field is saved.





Save/Done (F5)

Use this to save changes made to this screen. These changes will be written to CUFMNT.

Add Criteria (F9)

Use this to add additional criteria to the configuration.