Tiered Services Instant Benefits (1)

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Tiered Service Instant Benefits


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Access this screen by selecting "Tiered Service Instant Benefits" on the entry Tiered Service configuration screen.

This screen and the rest in this section are used to define the benefits associated with belonging to each of the levels.  For each level, indicate which services are to be granted.  Use Enter to record changes and proceed to the next screen.  

Field Descriptions

Field Name


Over-The-Counter Transaction Fees

Waive check cashing service fee

Check the box for any level where the member should never be charged your normal check cashing fees.  Leave the box unchecked to charge fees as usual, subject to normal waivers from the fee configuration (such as age or aggregate savings waivers).

Waive CU check printing service fee

Check the box for any level where the member should never be charged your normal fees for printing a credit union check.  Leave the box unchecked to charge fees as usual, subject to normal waivers from the fee configuration (such as age or aggregate savings waivers).

Waive money order printing service fee

Check the box for any level where the member should never be charged your normal money order printing fees.  Leave the box unchecked to charge fees as usual, subject to normal waivers from the fee configuration (such as age or aggregate savings waivers).

Waive transaction history fee

Check the box for any level where the member should never be charged your normal fee for printing a transaction history report.  Leave the box unchecked to charge fees as usual, subject to normal waivers from the fee configuration (such as age or aggregate savings waivers).

Waive phone transfer fee

Check the box for any level where the member should never be charged your normal fees for transfers made via the Phone Inquiry software.  Leave the box unchecked to charge fees as usual, subject to normal waivers from the fee configuration (such as age or aggregate savings waivers).

Miscellaneous Member Services

Enroll in marketing club

This feature is used to combine the power of Tiered Service Rewards with the additional savings, certificate and loan rate benefits feature available in Marketing Clubs. This field is used to enter the appropriate Marketing Club ID for each Tiered Service Level that should receive the reward.

Safe deposit box fee level

For each Tiered Level, enter the configured fee level that should be used when charging fees for safe deposit box rentals. 

  • Fee levels are configured using the Safe Deposit Box Configuration.  Be sure you configure the Levels for the safe deposit box fees by Tiered level; for example all Type1 fees are charged to the Basic level, all Type 2 fees are charge to the next Tiered Service level, etc.

Certificate renewal bonus

This item is used to boost the amount of renewal incentive given at the time a certificate is renewed. 

When a certificate set up for automatic renewal matures, the system looks at this amount as well as any bonus amounts for which the member is eligible due to active membership in a Marketing Club.  The higher of those amounts is added to any renewal incentive already on the certificate account record.  That total percentage is added to the current rate for the new certificate as it rolls.