Add Club Transfer Indicator

These steps explain how to add an available sub-account to which Club funds can be transferred upon Club expiration.

  1. Launch Tool #239 Configure Club Acct Transfer Indicators.

  2. Input the desired indicator code in the Transfer Indicator field on the first Transfer Indicator Definition pop-up.

    • The code can be any letter or number not already in use.

  3. Click the forward arrow.

  4. In the Description field on the second Transfer Indicator Definition pop-up, input the description of the account that is to be used when this transfer indicator is selected.

  5. In the Primary account field, input the suffix of the account that is to be used for transfers from Club accounts with this indicator code.

  6. In the Secondary account field, input the suffix of the account that is to be used if for any reason the member does not have the primary account type when their Club account expires.

  7. Click the forward arrow.

Learn More

Learn how to change a Club transfer account.
Learn more about CU*BASE Club Account processing.