Save and Run Query

These steps explain how to save and run your Query after making all Query selections.

  • The terms "file," "field," and "record" can also be referred to as "table," "column," and "row" in the context of Queries. For details, refer to the online course CMS 100 - Report Builder: Canned Query.

  1. Click the up arrow on the Report Builder - Main Menu screen after selecting all desired options (file, fields, records, etc.) for your Query.

  2. Enter a name for the Query in the Query field on the Exit this Query pop-up.

    • The name can be up to 10 characters and cannot contain spaces or special characters.

  3. Enter a description for the Query in the Text field.

  4. In the Authority field, leave the selection at LIBCRTAUT.

    • This allows others at your credit union as well as CU*Answers Client Service Representatives to be able to use, modify, delete, and run the custom report.

  5. Click the forward arrow.

Learn More

Learn more about the CU*BASE Report Builder feature.

Learn more about building a query.