Blocked Persons Database Scan: No Match Found

Screen ID:  n/a images\30g_shg.gif
Screen Title: Blocked Persons Database
Panel ID: 30
Tool Number: n/a
    Click here to magnify

Blocked Person Match Found

Helpful Resources

Overview: Fraud Block Lists

How does the new membership denial of service fraud block list work?  Is the employee blocked from opening a new membership for the member?  What happens when a match is made to an entry on the new membership denial of service fraud block list?  .

Maintaining the Fraud Alert / Blocked Persons Database

Screen Overview

If your credit union has activated the Blocked Persons scan in your member service Workflow Controls, CU*BASE will scan all new member and non-member records as they are created. It will also scan member / non-member records whenever they are added to an account as a joint owner or beneficiary.  These will be scanned against the new membership fraud block list.

This window appears when no suspected match is found to the name (first or last) or SSN / TIN. (Click here for a sample of the screen that appears when a suspected match is found.)