Fee Waiver Analysis by Reason

Screen ID:  IFWHIST-03
Screen Title: Fee Waiver Analysis by Reason
Panel ID: 6032
Tool Number: 369
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This screen appears after using a  lookup button on one of the fee types on the Fee Income/Waivers Analysis dashboard.

This screen lets you examine the reasons why your actual fee income was less than your fee opportunity, for this particular fee type.  Are more of your waivers due to member age, or member behavior such as aggregate balances?  Are your aggregate balance or other configured waivers set appropriately? Or are your employees manually waiving fees too often? 

PLEASE NOTE: This dashboard requires three (3) months of historical data (End of Month files) before detailed information can be displayed. Credit unions new to CU*BASE can utilize this detail page beginning in their 4th month on CU*BASE.

SEE ALSO:  Analyzing a History of Fee Waivers by Employee

How to Use This Screen

Start by entering a date range at the top of the screen (the default is to look at a full month of data).  The screen that appears first is a summary that hides the individual member accounts and just shows totals for each waiver reason.  Use the Detail button to view individual fee/waiver transactions, with subtotals for each reason.  While in the Detail view, accounts that represent insiders (employee and board members, etc.) will be highlighted in yellow.  Click on any column heading to sort by that column.

Use the buttons at the bottom to view several different combinations of data:

  • The Detail/Summary button (F5) toggles between the summary by reason and the fee details for individual member accounts.

  • The Show All Fees/Show Fees Waived Only button (F11) toggles between showing only fee waiver activity (meaning the full fee was not charged) and all fee-related transactions (including fees that were charged in full).

  • The Show Insiders/Show All Accts button (F14) toggles between showing all accounts and showing only accounts that are flagged as insiders (employee and board member accounts, etc.) via an Employee Type/Insider code

The text in the top right hand corner of the screen indicates what toggle selections are currently selected. See below for a description of the data that is shown on the screen.

CU*TIP: To keep track of where you are, look at the screen title area, not the button label.  The button refers to what you will toggle TO, not your current selection.

Explanation of Columns

Column Heading


Transaction Date

Not used in the Summary view.  In the Detail view, this column shows the date on which the fee/waiver transaction was posted.

Emp ID

Not used in the Summary view.  In the Detail view, this column shows the employee ID that posted the fee/waiver.  Remember that employee IDs 89-99 are reserved for Data Center employees and include system-generated activity such as fee programs that run during nightly processing.


Not used in the Summary view.  In the Detail view, this column shows MBR on individual memberships and ORG on organizational memberships.


Not used in the Summary view.  In the Detail view, this column shows the member’s account number or the non-member’s SSN (for check-cashing fees charged to non-members).

NOTE: In the Detail view, accounts that represent insiders (employee and board members, etc.) will be highlighted in yellow.


In the Summary view, this column shows a total # of fee/waiver transactions for each waiver reason.  In the Detail view, this column shows the member’s name.

NOTE: In the Detail view, accounts that represent insiders (employee and board members, etc.) will be highlighted in yellow.

Fee Calculated

This column shows the fee amount that potentially could have been charged, based on your fee configuration.

Fee Assessed

This column shows the fee that was actually assessed to the member.  If 0.00, then the fee was waived entirely.  If the fee was partially waived (or increased from the standard amount), the amount actually charged would show here. 

  • Remember that depending on your configuration, fees such as Starter Check fees can be manually altered at the time they are posted, which would account for a partially waived or even higher-than standard fee being posted.


This shows the reason the fee was waived.  Click here for a list of common waiver reasons.





Detail / Summary (F5)

Use this to toggle back and forth between the summary by reason and the fee details for individual member accounts. NOTE: In the Detail view, accounts that represent insiders (employee and board members, etc.) will be highlighted in yellow.

Export (F9)

Appears in the Detail view only.  Use this to export this list of members to either a list of account numbers for use with Member Connect, or export the entire list as it appears on the screen to a database file for use with Query.  The standard Exporting Data window will appear.

Member Connect (F10)

Appears in the Detail view only.  After exporting the file, you can use this to access the Member Connect Marketing Tools feature and contact the members immediately via email or other channel.

Show All Fees / Show Fees Waived Only (F11)

Use this to toggle between showing only fee waiver activity (meaning the full fee was not charged) and all fee-related transactions (including fees that were charged in full).

Common Bonds (F12)

Appears in the Detail view only.Use this to view the suite of Common Bonds dashboards to analyze this group of members based on what they share in common, including memberships traits, account composition, credit history trends, or Tiered Service

Show Insiders / Show All Accts (F14)

Use this to toggle between showing all accounts and showing only accounts that are flagged as insiders (employee and board member accounts, etc.) via an Employee Type/Insider code.