Understanding Job Classifications vs. Employee ID Templates

What are Job Classifications?

Job Classifications are generic, system-defined codes that can be assigned to employee and template IDs in CU*BASE Employee Security.  Each Job Classification comes with a list of recommended tool assignments, intended to assist employee security officers in evaluating appropriate tool assignments for certain types of employees.  Recommendations come from the compliance and security experts at AuditLink.

Where you’ll see Job Classification codes and recommendations:

You can attach a Job Classification code to individual employee and template IDs in the Employee Profile window.

  • If a Job Classification has been assigned to an employee, that employee will be able to click the Recommended Tools button on the CU*BASE home page to see tools recommended for their job duties. Tools to which they already have access will be in black text; tools they cannot access will be shown in gray text. 

  • Job Classification codes that have been assigned to employees will appear on various security audit reports.

  • When using the Assign Tools to Employees feature for a specific employee (or template) ID, security officers can use the Compare to Job Class button to see how that employee’s assignments compare to the recommendations for a particular job class. 

What are Employee Templates?

Templates are special types of employee IDs which can be used as the basis for assigning tools to new employees, as well as for auditing existing employee access by comparing against a benchmark of standard access settings. Creating a template ID and assigning tools and other special security settings works exactly the same as creating and setting up an employee ID, except that you must flag an employee ID as a template on the Employee Profile window.  An ID that is flagged as a template:

  • Will be locked and will appear highlighted in yellow on the main security screen, along with other employee IDs that are locked.

  • Cannot be used like a regular ID to access tools from the CU*BASE home page.

  • Can be copied to other employee IDs (or other template IDs) using the Copy feature on the main security screen.

  • Can be hidden from the list of regular IDs by using the Show... buttons on the main security screen.

  • Will be marked with a notation of ***TEMPLATE*** on various employee security reports.

  • Will not be counted in the “# of Employees” counts on the Assign Tools to Employees screen.

  • Will not be counted in total employee ID statistics on the Employee Profiles Analysis dashboard

  • Will not be included in counts on the Tool Usage Analysis (NOTE: If an existing ID was changed to a template, stats from prior to that time will still include that ID, from when it was not a template.)

What’s the difference?

Job Classifications

Employee Templates

  • Think of Job Classifications as recommendations from our compliance experts, to assist security officers in deciding appropriate access.

  • Think of Templates as SOPs from your CU security officer, for documenting standard access practices and facilitating easier and more consistent setup for new employee IDs.

  • Job Classifications are defined and maintained by the data center for all CU*BASE users

  • Templates are defined and maintained by credit union security officers

  • Job Classification codes are attached to individual tools (programs) by the data center for all CU*BASE users based on recommendations from AuditLink

  • Templates are created the same way as actual employees and stored in the same tables, flagged to indicate they are not used for actual employee access

  • A Job Class shows what types of employees should have access to any particular tool:
    Intended to show all of the typical CU functions (jobs) that might need to use any given tool

  • A template shows what access a particular job will need:Intended to allow credit unions to create an “ideal” employee ID and then use it as a starting point when a new person’s permissions are set up

  • Job classifications are documentation embedded in CU*BASE security tools in the form of recommendations that security officers and auditors can use to evaluate practices

  • Templates simplify the creation of employee IDs and also help the CU be more consistent in their security practices

  • Relate to tool assignments only

  • Can reflect Special Security settings as well as tool assignments

  • Security officers can review job classification recommendations while assigning individual tools using the  button on the Assign Tools to Employees screen

  • Security Officer can copy all settings/tool assignments from a template to one or more employee IDs

  • Job class codes can be assigned to an employee ID so the employee can use the  button on the CU*BASE home page

  • Templates are not linked to any employee IDs

  • Changes made by the data center to job class tool assignments will automatically be reflected (via the  button on the CU*BASE home page, when using the new Compare feature in security maintenance, etc.)

  • Changes made to a template have no effect on employees that were created based on that template