Account Adjustment Activity Report
Screen ID: Screen Title: Panel Number: Report Name: |
LTRREGS-01 Account Adjustment Transactions 4631 LTRREG1 |
Access this screen by selecting Tool #493: Member Account Adjustments Report.
Helpful Resources
Screen Overview
This screen is used to print a transaction register showing only account adjustment transactions and transaction reversals posted to member accounts. This is a great alternative to the full General Transaction Register report (Tool #381: General Transaction Register) because it breaks out only this special type of activity, without including things like teller transactions, phone transfers, and the like.
Use this Report
To run a detail report to list all account adjustment transactions made to change fund using an offset G/L = 739.00 to help locate a change fund offage.
To run an detail report to list all account adjustment transactions made to a suspense G/L using an offset G/L = 870.XX to help a locate suspense offage.
To run a detail report to find account adjustment transactions that threw your share G/L 901.00 off by using a Member G/L account # = 901.00.
Practical Uses of this Report
Use this report to find transactions that may relate to G/L account offages by using a specific offset G/L account and transaction date.
How Do I Create this Report?
This report lets you product two reports (detail with summary or just summary). You can run this report for transactions posted during the current month, for the prior month or from history. This report uses Origin Code = 08 to look at only account adjustment transactions; you can use the G/L field to narrow your results down further. Optional fields are the application type, transaction code/type, transaction date, branch, member G/L account number, member account, offset G/L account number or employee ID.
NOTE: ATM/Debit reversals do not appear on this report.
How Do I Save/Retrieve My Report Settings?
For more details on setting up this feature, refer to the Automating Reports and Queries booklet, available on the CU*BASE Reference page.
This report can be used with the “Report Scheduler,” a time-saving automation feature that allows you to select and save the filters you use to run several commonly used reports and then set these reports to be run automatically by our operations staff on the first of the month. Or you can save the settings and run them manually by yourself at any time.
To save your report settings, first select your filters, including printer (can be a physical printer or the HOLDxx or MONTHxx OUTQs). Then select Save Settings (F24). On the next screen name your settings (we recommend adding your name!), and designate whether you wish to run this manually or if you wish for operations to run the report. At a later time, use Retrieve Settings (F23) to populate the screen with the settings you have saved. You can also edit your settings using Retrieve Settings (F23). All saved settings can be viewed on the Report Automation: Standard Reports screen.
Field Descriptions
Field Name |
Description |
Report Type |
Choose Detail to list each individual transaction, sorted by account number. (This can be a long report.)
Choose Summary to print just the summary report showing total deposits and withdrawals by transaction code and type. |
File type |
Choose one of the following to specify where data should come from when generating the report: Current (C) - to use data from current month files TRANS1, TRANS2, and TRANS3 End of Month (E) - to use data from an end-of-month file ETRmmyy1, ETRmmyy2, and ETRmmyy3 History (H) - to use data from transaction history files HTRANS1, HTRANS2, and HTRANS3 |
File date |
Enter the month and year for the file to be used when pulling data for the report. |
Application type |
To include only transactions that affected a certain type of accounts, use the Select button to reveal a screen to select one or more application types. When you return to the screen, the count of the items selected with appear next to the button. SEE ALSO: Filter and selection directions. |
Transaction code/type |
To include only account adjustment/reversal transactions with a certain transaction code and/or type, enter the codes here (Tran Code goes into the first field, Tran Type in the second field). You can use either or both, as needed. |
Date/Date Type |
To include only transactions with a certain date, use the Date field to enter the date of the transactions to be included on the report. Then select whether you wish to specify Activity Date (TR) or Business Date (PR). What is Activity Date? What is Business Date?
Leave both fields blank to include all transactions, regardless of date. |
Branch type |
To include only account adjustment/reversal transactions that were posted to a particular branch/location number, choose one of the following to specify which branch data to use: Member Branch (M) - When a transaction is posted, the system automatically records the branch number from the member's MASTER record. Choose this to pull transactions according to this branch. Transaction Branch (T) - When a transaction is posted, the system includes the branch number from the workstation used to post the transaction. Choose this to pull transactions according to this branch. Then use the Branch # field (see below) to enter the desired branch number. Leave both fields blank to include all transactions, regardless of branch. |
Branch # |
(Optional) (Use in conjunction with Branch type.) To include only transactions associated with a specific branch, use the Select button to reveal a screen to select one or more branches. When you return to the screen, the count of the items selected with appear next to the button. SEE ALSO: Filter and selection directions. |
Member G/L account # |
To include only account adjustment/reversal transactions that were posted to a certain member G/L account number (the “primary” G/L), enter the account number here. Leave the field blank to include all transactions, regardless of member G/L account. |
Offset G/L account # |
To include only account adjustment/reversal transactions that were posted against a certain G/L account number (the “offset” G/L), enter the account number here. Leave the field blank to include all transactions, regardless of offset G/L account. |
Employee ID |
To include only account adjustment/reversal transactions posted by a particular person, enter an Employee ID here. Leave the field blank to include all transactions, regardless of which employee posted them. |
Report Sample
NOTE: The “Pr Fl” column shows various status flags from transaction history records, which are primarily used behind the scenes by the system when processing transactions.
S = Suppressed from member statement.
P = Can represent a fee for printing a Transaction History list; also used for some types of transaction reversals.