Email Address Maintenance

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Email Address Maintenance



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This window will appear when entering several CU*BASE maintenance and teller processing/inquiry screens.This screen can also be accessed via Member Personal Banker, then Email address maintenance. If you access this screen via Inquiry, the update features described below will not be available.

Helpful Resources

Visit Show Me the Steps for easy instructions on how to use CU*BASE to view invalid email addresses and perform other tasks related to member communication.

What do I do if my member does not have an email address (at all or known to us). Can I enter a fake email to remind staff to ask for it?

  • NOTE:  This screen is used to manually mark an address as a "wrong" email address.  CU*BASE also has a process to handle invalid email addresses from emails sent via CU*BASE.  Learn more about CU*BASE Automated Wrong Email Handling.

Screen Overview

This screen is used as an email maintenance screen or to warn the credit union employee that the member's email address has been flagged as incorrect. If the email field is colored blue and the Email address checkbox is checked, the email address is invalid. To update the address, simply type the correct email address (up to 100 characters) in the field and press Enter to correct the address. If the address has been flagged as invalid incorrectly, simply uncheck the checkbox and press Enter. Incorrect email addresses can hinder member communications including the member not receiving eStatements (if configured), e-Notices and messages from Member Reach.

  • When this checkbox is checked, an Audit Tracker record will automatically be created to record the change.

  • NOTE: When marking a email address as a wrong email address, it is not necessary to also adjust the member’s statement mail group. At statement generation time, any records marked as Wrong Address are automatically funneled into Group 7 for processing. Refer to the topic on Configuring Statement Mail Groups for details.

  • If the member doesn’t have an address, do NOT create a fake one! Use of obviously bogus addresses like “” or “” can cause our entire network to be blacklisted so that no emails can be sent by any credit union. Either leave the field blank or make sure to check the “Email address is wrong” checkbox. Learn more in the AnswerBook.

This screen can also assist you when an email is on more than one membership. If this email is an email address on another membership, the View Other Accounts (F15) will appear as well as the warning text, “This email is on multiple accounts. Cmd/15 to view other accounts.” Use this function key to view the other accounts with this membership.

  • If you wish to update all memberships using this email address you, you can use the update version of the Email Update Address tool (Tool 890: Update Email Addresses)..

If asterisks appear on this screen it is due to privacy configuration.

Learn more about email address verifications


Name Address (F14) allows you to edit other personal information about the member, such as name and address.

View Other accounts (F15) allows you to view all other memberships with this email address. Refer to “email on more than one membership” text previously in this topic.

  • CU*TIP: Click the email images\envelopeicong_shg.gifbutton to start a new email message to this address using whatever email program is on this workstation (you must have email software already loaded).