Loan Product Configuration (Online Banking)
Screen ID: Screen Title: Panel Number: |
UPCCFG-05 Product Category Configuration 3274 |
Access this screen while adding a new loan product. This screen appears after the loan insurance or debt protection screens. Also access this screen by selecting "Online banking" on the Loan Product Configuration Options screen.
Helpful Resources
Learn how to add or change a sales message on your loan rate board.
Screen Overview
This screen lets you define whether or not the product will appear in your It's Me 247 Online Banking Loan Rate Board. All fields are described in detail below.
Because the flag that makes the loan available in online banking can be turned on or off at will, you can configure a product to appear in online banking for a time, then disable that product (while still keeping it available for normal inquiry) and make a different loan product available, to handle special loan promotions, seasonal offerings, etc. You can also have certain products available only online, with special terms or rates just for online banking users.
You will also want to add Sales information that the member will view online when checking out your online rate board. They will see this text when clicking on the product to view more about the loan.
When done, use Enter to save changes. You will either return to the Loan Product Configuration Options screen or advance to the next loan product screen (if you are adding a new product).
Field Descriptions
Field Name |
Description |
Variant |
Enter a variant (+ or - and an amount) to determine the Onlinebanking offered rate. This will be calculated off the Product code base rate at the top of the screen. TheOnlinebanking offered rate will be used as the preliminary rate when new online loan applications are created. If you have risk-based pricing configured for this product, after a credit report is pulled for the member, then the appropriate rate from the risk-based pricing matrix will be used instead of this rate. Use Recalculate (F10) to see the final rate that will be used on new online banking requests. |
Display sequence |
Use this field if you want this product to appear in your online banking Loan Rate Board. Enter a sequential number to indicate the order in which the product should appear in the Rate Board (maximum of 50). Type 00 in this field if you do not want it to display in online banking. |
Product name |
Enter a descriptive name for the loan product. This name will appear in the first column of the Rate Board. |
Rate board teaser |
Enter a description, sales message, or other “teaser” to describe the loan and get the member interested. This will appear in the second column of the Rate Board. |
Available online
Choose one of the following to indicate how this loan product should behave in online banking: Application (A) - Use this if you want members to be able to submit an application for this specific loan from online banking. On the Rate Board, an “Apply” button will appear next to this loan product to allow a member to specify an amount and choose from a group of pre-defined loan parameters, as well as complete the application itself. Be sure to complete all of the fields in the bottom section of the screen. Information Only (I) - Use this if you simply want this loan product and its rate to be displayed on the Loan Rate Board. Instead of an “Apply” link the member will see a “More Info” link which will display your sales information (configured on the next screen).
Show this product to members via |
Place a checkmark in at least one of the following: Standard online banking – to show this product in the rate board for It’s Me 247 online banking Business (multi-login) – to show this product in the rate board for BizLink 247 online banking The Business (single-login) option is not currently used by any process. NOTE: There is only one sales text message per product. So for generic products that work the same for businesses and individuals, you can create a single product for display in both platforms. But if you wish to customize your sales text based on the audience, we recommend building unique products for your business members. NOTE: This setting will affect only rate boards displayed within online banking; external rate boards will require additional adjustments in order to be able to display products conditionally. Refer to the BizLink 247 Business Banking booklet for details. |
Show this product to members via
Select which online banking platform in which to show this product. Standard online banking (It's Me 247), Business (multi-login) (BizLink 247), or Business (single user) (not currently used.). In this manner, you can have products that are specifically for business, consumer, or both rate boards.
Application Only These fields must be completed if the Available online flag is set to “Application." |
Frequency code |
this to specify the payment frequency to be used for incoming
loan applications. Members will see the description of this code
on the Loan Quote Confirmation screen. Click the lookup button
Security code |
this to specify the Security Code that will be assigned to incoming
loan applications. Members will not see this code. Click the lookup
button |
Delinquency fine code |
this to specify the Delinquency Fine Code to be assigned when
the loan application is submitted. Members will not see this code.
Click the lookup button |
Purpose code default |
this to specify the default Purpose Code that will be used when
the loan application is submitted. The member will see a pull-down
list with the description for this code as well as any others
specified in the Other Optional
Purpose Codes field. Click the lookup button |
Optional purpose codes |
these to specify additional options for a Purpose Code. The member
will see these in a pull-down list with the description for each
code. This would be useful for more generic loan products where
more than one purpose might apply. Click the lookup button |
Term default |
Use this to specify the default loan term that will be selected when the loan application is submitted. Use a term with the same frequency as indicated by the Frequency code setting (above). For example, if the Frequency code field is set to M for Monthly, this field should indicate a number of months.
Optional terms |
Use these to specify additional loan term choices from which the member can choose. The member will see a series of terms (with the Term Default selected automatically), and can select any of the terms listed. For example, for a car loan product, you might offer a standard 4-year (48 month) loan, with other available terms of 36 months, 60 months and 72 months. |
Collateral type (optional) |
you wish to require
a member to specify a description, year, and value for a collateral
item with this loan application, enter one of your credit union's
configured collateral type codes. Leave the field blank if you
do not wish to require collateral information for this loan product.
Click the lookup button |
Payment protection codes |
(Appears if Insurance was configured for this product.) If you wish to allow a member to purchase
insurance on the loan application, enter a code in any or all
of the following fields (click the lookup button Single CL Joint CL Disability IMPORTANT: If you are offering insurancethrough online banking, be sure to configure sales information that the member can view by clicking the “Learn More” button on the loan application screen in online banking. This is configured as part of the Member Sales Information screen. |
Single premium payment protection |
(Appears if Insurance was configured for this product.) Determines whether the payment protection is added to the balance or is included in the balloon amount. |
Debt protection codes |
(Appears if Debt Protection was configured for this product.) If you wish to allow a member to purchase
debt protection coverage on the loan application, enter a code
in any or all of the following fields (click the lookup button
Single/Borrower/CoBorrower Joint IMPORTANT: If you are offering insurance through online banking, be sure to configure sales information that the member can view by clicking the “Learn More” button on the loan application screen in online banking. This is configured as part of the Member Sales Information screen. |
Add to balance |
If the payment protection selected is single premium insurance, this flag should be checked, meaning that insurance premiums should be added to the balance of the loan. |
Include in balloon amount |
If this is a balloon loan, and the payment protection you have selected is a single premium insurance type, this flag lets you choose whether the balloon amount should be included in the insurance coverage and therefore included in the premium calculation. Your ability to offer this choice to your members will depend on your state regulations. |
Button |
Description |
Recalculate Rate (F10) |
Use this to recalculate all rates on this screen by adding or subtracting the variant amounts from the Product code base rate at the top of the screen. |
Rate History (F16) |
Great for auditors, this screen shows a historical listing of all the rate changes on the selected loan product. View a listing of the new rate, the effective date, the old rate and the ID of the employee who made the rate change |