Employee Time Cards: Supervisor Maintenance

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Time Card Maintenance


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Access this screen by selecting Tool #891: Update Employee Time Card Information.

SEE ALSO: Timecard Processing Overview

This is the first of two screens used to update employee time card records (past or future). If your credit union uses the CU*BASE Employee Time Card tracking system to track employee activity, this feature can be used by a supervisor to adjust the hours already entered by an employee for a specific date, or to enter non-working time such as vacations or personal time for a future time period.

  • NOTE: To prevent an employee from altering another employee's time card, be sure to use CU*BASE Employee Security to allow only supervisors and other authorized personnel to use this tool..

Viewing a Summary of All Employee Time Cards

To see a weekly summary of time card data for all employees, use Weekly View (F9). The Time Card Weekly View screen will appear showing a weekly total of working hours entered for all employees. This tool makes it easy to see how hours are being allocated for your staff.

  • See below for a tip on using the “Filter” features to display a summary for only certain job categories or branch assignments.

Updating Time Card Data

To view or modify time card data, enter an Employee ID or select one from the list, choose the date to be modified (the default will be today's date, but any date up to a year in the past or a year into the future can be entered), then use Enter to proceed to the second screen.

  • The second screen is the same one used by employees to enter their own time card data, except that when using this maintenance program the screen will display an Audit feature showing the actual date and time when start/end and lunch times were entered by the employee. (Changes made via the supervisor maintenance program do NOT update the audit fields.)

Displaying Employees by Job Category or Branch

For supervisors that need to adjust or view time card data for just a small group of employees, use the “Filters” fields in the top right corner of the screen to display only employees with a certain Branch number or Job Category code.

  • Branch number comes from the branch vault ID assigned to the employee profile in Employee Security configuration.

  • Job category comes from a CU-defined job category code assigned to the employee profile in Employee Security configuration.

Enter the branch and/or job category and use Enter to refresh the list. Clear the fields and use Enter again to restore the entire list of employees.

CU*TIP: If a filter is used, when you use Weekly View (F9), only that group of employees will be shown on the weekly summary screen.

Modifying a Range of Dates (for upcoming vacations, etc.)

If you need to allocate an employee's hours for more than one day, such as to adjust all of last week's time card data, or to log a week's vacation coming up next month, use both the From and To date fields to enter a range of dates (can be in the future).

When the second screen appears, it will display the first date in the range (for example, Monday). When you use Enter to save that record, the next date in the range (Tuesday) will automatically appear, and so on, so you can keep allocating the vacation hours for the entire period. When the entire range is complete, you will be returned to this initial screen.

  • Remember that if the range you specify goes over a weekend, both Saturday and Sunday dates will appear even if you do not need to fill them in.