Creating a Tracker (1)

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Member Tracker Entry


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This screen is displayed when you use Tracker Entry (F20) on the Member Tracker Review screen.  If 1-Click Trackers in Phone Operator feature is used by your credit union, you will advance to this screen after entering the codes in the Phone Operator Wrap Up screen.

Check out the video related to this topic: Creating a Collections Tracker (More videos below!)

Helpful Resources

Learn how to complete tasks related to Trackers.

Member Trackers Overview

Screen Overview

This first screen allows you to create a new Tracker record attached to a member's account and enter an initial conversation note for that Tracker.

As a rule, there should be only one Collection Card tracker(type XX) and one Audit Tracker (type AT)per member.

  • IMPORTANT: If your credit union's policies specify that member service issues be recorded on a single, ongoing Tracker record (such as a generic “Member Service Issues” Tracker type), then this feature should be used ONLY if the member does not already have a Tracker set up. Return to Account Inquiry and use Tracker Review (F21) to view and update existing Trackers for this member. (You can return to Tracker Entry from there, if necessary.

Review why one Tracker per Type is a better option than multiple Trackers per Type in most cases.

In addition to the Collection Card Tracker used to track a member's collections activities over time, a Tracker can be used to record any notes and reminders that should be attached to this member's accounts. You can even flag a conversation with a follow-up date so that a credit union employee is automatically notified when he or she should contact the member to follow up on a member service or other issue. See Member Trackers Overview for more details.

The maximum number of conversations allowed on this Tracker is 999,999,999.

Complete all of the fields (described below) then use Enter to proceed to the next screen.

Field Descriptions

Field Name


Speaking with

The name of the person to whom the communication was directed (usually the member).

Key word/phrase

A word or phrase which can later be used to search for or sort Trackers. A system of key words should be determined by your credit union.

  • NOTE:  This is content is labeled "Reference" on many Tracker review and update screens.

Member account type

The account type suffix to which this Tracker should be attached.

  • It is recommended that “generic” Trackers—meaning those that do not apply to a specific account type such as an individual loan account—should be attached to the 000 share account. The Collection Card Tracker (type XX) shouldbe attached to the 000 share account.

Tracker type

Enter a Tracker Type code to indicate what type of Tracker should be created. Click the lookup button 3 to see a list of your credit union's configured codes.

  •  Code XX is used for Collection Card Trackers. Remember that a member should only have one Collection Card, attached to the 000 account suffix. So be sure to verify that no Card currently exists before creating a new one. (Use "Tracker Review" (F21) from the Account Inquiry screen to see existing Tracker records.)


This can be used to specify where the contact took place. The default value is (Office), but you might change this to a branch name or “phone center,” or use the field any other way you wish.

  •  HINT: Your credit union can use this field any way you wish, and the data can then be used to sort and select Tracker records later using the CU*BASE Report Builder (file name TKLRHC).


This date and time will be stamped as the creation date for the entire Tracker record. Remember that each individual conversation note will also show a date and time when that note was created.

Additional Video Resources

Check out these additional video resources!

Adding a Cross-Sales Conversation to a Tracker

Enter and Schedule Follow-up for Tracker Conversation

Researching Details of Delinquent Account

Using the Work Member Option

Working a Follow-Up

Browse all CU*BASE to view more videos!