(Archive) GOLD 8.5 January 2009

January 19, 2009

Analyze Your Contingent Liability

Contingent Liability Report Enhancement

This report (MNRPTD #7) will now show a separate subtotal for negative balance accounts that have a Negative Balance Limit (Courtesy Pay) and those that do not.

NEW! Contingent Liability Online Analysis

CEOs that attended this year's CEO Strategies event saw a sneak preview of this new tool, which takes the Contingent Liability Report to whole new level. Now use MNMGMT #14 to compare your contingent liability trends in an online format.

While the contingent liability report gives you a point in time analysis of your contingent liability for things such as reporting on a 5300 or informing the management team or Board of Directors, this new "dashboard" type inquiry for contingent liability is a trending tool for expanding opportunities and tracking loan disbursement progress. The inquiry quickly shows how contingent balances are flowing from one month to the next.  You can quickly identify areas where members are not utilizing their credit limits, and help teams formulate plans to get active on loan disbursements. 

If your team has made getting loan balances up as one of your ongoing goals, this inquiry will track your progress when it comes to line of credit lending. Data is available starting with December 2008 month-end stats.

Miscellaneous Enhancements

Multi-Corp Consolidated Financials - For our clients that operate in a multi-corporation environment, you can now print financial reports that combine multiple corporations. Simply use MNGELE #4 to copy one of your existing financial reports, using corporation 99 as the Corp ID. Then use MNGELE #16 to select the report and you will be prompted to choose which corporations should be included on the report.

Lookup for Credit Union ID in Teller (Account Selection screen) – For our clients who have Shared Branching relationships, we have added a search screen to aid in finding Credit Union IDs on the Account Selection screen faster! Simply click the lookup next to Credit Union ID, enter your search criteria on the new screen and press Enter! Finding a credit union ID couldn’t be easier!

Navigation between Cross Sales and Sales Tracker screens is improved! Now moving between Cross Sales, Work Trackers and Work Follow-ups is easier than ever. Check out the changes on the screens and in the updated Cross Sales and Sales Tracker booklets.

Addition to Variable Rate Loan Report Now an asterisk will appear next to variable rates that fall outside of the floor/ceiling range for the rate on the Loan Variable Rate Configuration Report (LSYSLN) Go to MNCNFX #19.