Comparing Member Transaction Activity

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Panel Number:


Transaction Activity Summary Compare


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Access this screen by using Summary Compare (F9) on the previous screen or by selecting Tool #866: Transaction Activity Summary Comparison.

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This screen displays a dashboard with which you can compare member transaction activity across multiple periods.


For detailed information and step-by-step instructions on the Abnormal Activity Monitoring tool, including tips on how to group members or determine normal activity levels, refer to the “Abnormal Activity Monitoring” booklet.


Field Descriptions

Field Name



Shows the Origin Code (transaction type) that was selected in the Member Analysis-Transaction Activity screen (teller posting, share drafts, etc.).  Use the lookup button (functions as a Select button) to the right of this field to change the Origin Code.

Note: You can only select one option here.

Compare period x to period x

Allows you to select which periods you’d like to compare for the calculation in the last two columns (“Percent” and “Difference” columns).

Note that “period” refers to the column:

Period 1: First column (“Last Month”)

Period 2: Second column (“Two Months Ago”)

Period 3: Third column (“Three Months Ago”)

For example, if you compare period 1 to 2, and you select “Debit $” in the “Items to compare” drop-down menu, then the system will subtract the debit amount in column 2 from the debit amount in column 1 and display the difference in the last two columns (as a percentage in the “Percent” column and as a dollar amount in the “Difference” column).

On the other hand, if you instead compare period 2 to 1, and you select “Debit $” again, then the system will instead subtract the debit amount in column 1 from the debit amount in column 2 (essentially the opposite from the example above) and display the difference in the last two columns.

Note that only those differences at or above the dollar amount (if you choose to compare Credits $ or Debits $) or transaction number (if you choose to compare Transactions #) entered in the “Difference” field will display in the last two columns (“Percent” and “Difference” columns).

Also note that the entire dashboard will be sorted in descending order by the difference as a percentage (listed in “Percent” column).

Items to compare

Use these to define which transactions are used in the calculation for the Percent and Difference columns. 

Difference >

Enter a dollar amount (if you choose to compare “Credits $” or “Debits $”) or transaction number (if you choose to compare “Transactions #”) in this field.

For example, if you enter 1,000 in this field and you had selected “Credits $”, then the dashboard will show only those accounts with a difference of $1,000.00 or more in credit (deposit/payment) transaction amounts between the two periods you chose to compare.

Account #

The member’s account number; use the lookup button to the right of this field to go to the Current Month Activity Compare screen to see transaction activity for a specific member.


The transaction type


The number or amount (depending on what you select in the Items to compare drop-down menu) of debit transactions the member conducted for the month


The number or amount (depending on what you select in the Items to compare drop-down menu) of credit transactions the member conducted for the month

# Trans

The total number of transactions the member conducted for the month


Calculated using the “Compare period xx to xx” and “Items to compare” and “Difference >” fields described above.  Note that items in the list are sorted in descending order by this calculated percentage.


Calculated using the “Compare period x to x” and “Items to compare” and “Difference >” fields described above

For example, on the screen displayed above, since we chose to compare debit dollar amounts for period 1 (last month) to those of period 2 (two months ago), the system subtracted $17 (from period 2) from $123,347 (from period 1), and listed the difference of $123,330 in the last column (“Difference”).