Process Payments for Vendors/Print CU Checks/ACH Items
Screen ID: Screen Title: Panel Number: |
UGLCHI-01 Process Payments for Vendors 6532 |
Access this screen by selecting Tool #1961: AP3: Process Accounts Payable Payments or Tool # 639: Print CU Checks (Shortcut:glchk).
This screen lists the payments that were vouched on the Organize Payments screen that are now ready to be processed via check or ACH payment.
What date is used on a check processed by the CU*BASE Accounts Payable feature?
Exiting the Screen Without Making a Payment
Once you enter this screen certain files are adjusted. To exit this screen you cannot use the up arrow nor the back up arrow. You must use Done/Exit (F14) to exit the screen. This will return the files to their previous position.
Deleting an Item
If the vouched item has not been paid, you can delete the vouched item by selecting it and then Delete.
Paying via Check
Checks which have not been printed will display “**” (two asterisks) in the Bank column. Once a check has been printed, this column shows the bank on which the check was drawn (which is configured in the device configuration).
Checks are sorted according to the vendor number or vendor name as configured on the Accounts Payable Workflow Controls screen.
To process a single check, select the item and then Process Payment. Then use Done/Exit (F14). If you wish to print all of the checks shown in the list on this screen, simply use Print These Checks (F9). Then use Done/Exit (F14).
In addition, this screen can also be used to create a new check for which an invoice record has not been created. Click "Quick Check" and then select your vendor to move to the Quick Check screen. Remember if you modify the check details or amounts on an existing invoice voucher, or if you generate a new check manually, you may also need to adjust or add a record in the history of this A/P Vendor. This modification feature and "Quick Check" button is not available if approvals are activated. Learn more.
Paid items will say PAID in the final column. Nothing is removed from the screen until you leave the screen using Done/Exit (F14).
You must use Done/Exit (F14) to complete the processing and leave the screen.
Depending on the configuration of your check printer, checks will immediately begin printing, or you may be prompted to enter a check number before the first check will print. (If a check has more than 10 separate G/L debits (expenses), the system will print multiple checks.) The checks will print in the order they are displayed on the screen.
When all checks have been printed, this screen will refresh and the Check No/Voucher column will show the check number which was assigned to each printed check.
NOTE: The name and address of the “Pay to” for this check will be printed on the middle portion of the check stub to fit into a standard window envelope. To keep it from being obvious that a check is enclosed, be sure to fold the check so that that middle portion appears in the window.
All checks are configured to post directly to the configured G/Ls. The check printer ID will be “CD” for Check Disbursement.
Paying via ACH
ACH items which have not been processed will display with "***" (three asterisks) in the Bank column.
To process a single ACH Item, select the item and then Process Payment. Then use Done/Exit (F14). If you wish to print all ACH items shown on this screen, simply use Pay These ACH (F10). Then use Done/Exit (F14) to exit the screen and move to the Home Page.
Nothing is removed from the screen until you leave the screen. Paid items will say PAID in the final column.
You must use Done/Exit (F14) to complete the processing and leave the screen and return to the Home Page.
Once the ACH items have been paid, the Bank field will be blank At this point no changes can be made to the item. Paid ACH items will appear on the PACXTB report as regular ACH items. They will appear on the report with a SEC code of "CCD." These items are assigned the sequence number from the A2ATRANS record for tracking purposes. The vendor number will be captured in the A2ATrans record in the Base Account Number field.
NOTE: A2A items are sent every 30 minutes.
between CU*BASE and your imaging solution
This screen has a smart link from your Imaging Vault!
Select an invoice and then
to view archived items with the vendor number and invoice number. If archived documents with both indexes are not found you will view archived items with either the vendor number or invoice number.
Indexing invoice documents is warranted for most credit unions; however it does require activation and configuration. Contact Imaging Solutions for more details.
Buttons |
Description |
(Available if you have not activated accounts payable approvals and only allowed if the items has not yet been selected for payment.) Learn more. Allows you to change the check date and add additional items to a check. |
Delete |
(Available if the item has not yet been paid.) Allows you to delete an item from the list. The entire invoice will be deleted. A confirmation screen will appear. |
Process Payment |
Allows you to select one item from the list and process it for payment. See above for how check and ACH payments are processed. You must select Done/Exit (F14) to complete the payment and exit the screen. |
Viiew the details of the check. |
View invoice image |
See"Integration between CU*BASE and your imaging solution" above. |
Buttons |
Description |
Search Company (F1) |
If your credit union has multiple corporations, use this in conjunction with the Corp ID field to display checks for a specific company. Enter the company number and use this button to scroll to checks for that company. |
The "Quick Check" button is not available if approvals are activated. Learn more. Use this to create a new check for which an invoice record has not been created. Select this button and then select your vendor to move to the Quick Check screen. Remember if you modify the check details or amounts on an existing invoice voucher, or if you generate a new check manually, you may also need to adjust or add a record in the history of this A/P Vendor. Pay to Name Fraud Block ListA Pay to Name fraud block list scan is run against the vendor name selected next that will appear on the Pay to line. Learn more about Fraud Block Lists: Overview: Fraud Block Lists |
Print These Checks (F9) |
Use this to print all checks displayed in the list. If printing checks onto sheet feed (non-continuous) checks, a prompt will appear requesting the first check number. Type the number and use Enter, type the second check number and use Enter, etc., until all checks are printed.
Print These ACH (F10) |
Use this to print all ACH items displayed in the list.
Invoice Desc/Invoice Item |
Use this to toggle between the invoice description and the invoice number. |
Done/Exit (F14) |
If items are set to be paid, use this to generate journal entries for any printed checks or ACH payments and return to the Home Page. CU*TIP: If by chance your CU*BASE GOLD session is closed or you are “timed out” while on this screen, simply return to the screen and use Done to finish and complete the posting process. If items are not set to be paid, use this to exit the screen.
Sample Check Stub
The following is an example of the type of data which will appear on the stub portion of a printed accounts payable check. The layout of the actual check may vary depending on your credit union's hardware and check stock setup.