Loan Product Configuration: Select Miscellaneous Coverage

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Select Miscellaneous Coverage


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Access this screen by selecting to add miscellaneous coverage to a loan product by checking "Miscellaneous Coverage on Loan" on the Product Configuration screen and using Enter.  This screen is accessed by selecting General loan information on the Loan Product Options screen and pressing enter past the first screen presented.

If a miscellaneous coverage is selected on this screen, the words “Miscellaneous Coverage exists” will appear at the top of the screen at the time of the request on the Loan Request Payment Selection screen. Clicking the Miscellaneous Coverages button will allow the lender to add miscellaneous coverage to the time the loan is created.

NOTE: The coverage codes entered here are configured using the Loan Insurance/Debt Protection Configuration.

Automated Miscellaneous Coverage

You can SSO access to a vendor website which allows you to select additional mechanical breakdown, GAP or both that is sent back to CU*BASE to adjust the loan payment. Learn more





Backup (F3)

Use this to move to the previous screen.

Add Coverage (F6)

Use this to add additional miscellaneous coverage options to this loan product.

Delete (F16)

Use this to remove a miscellaneous coverage from the choice of options associated with this loan product.