ACH Daily Reports
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When are ACH debits and credits posted?
Learn how to complete tasks related to ACH distributions/records.
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The OUTQ Report Control tool is used to control whether these reports are printed.
This is a reference list of all of the reports that are generated during various ACH processes each day.
Spool File |
Name / Report Title |
File Name |
User Data |
Description |
LRPACH Potential ACH Wrong Accounts |
(Generated each time the ACH file is received and posted.) This report shows ACH transactions that could potentially post to wrong accounts. |
PACXTB Automated Clearing Transactions (“Trial Balance”) |
(Generated each time the ACH file is received and posted.) This report shows a list of every transaction included on the ACH transmission. The File Date shown on the report is the date taken from the actual ACH transmission file. This is usually referred to as the “Trial Balance” because it shows everything that was transmitted. Some of the items on this report may have an effective post date in the future. |
PACXTB2 Automated Clearing Transactions: Death Notifications |
Generated in the morning along with the Trial Balance, this report pulls out any death notification transactions (DNE) from the incoming transmission so that they can be reviewed more easily. (The transactions will still appear on the PACXTB report as well.) |
PACXTB3 Automated Clearing Transactions: Pre-Notifications |
Generated along with the Trial Balance, this report pulls out any pre-notification transactions from the incoming transmission to allow these to be reviewed more easily. (Pre-notes will still appear on the Trial Balance report as well.) |
PACXTB4 International Transactions |
This report pulls out any International ACH Transactions (IAT) from the incoming transmission so that they can be reviewed more easily. (The transactions will still appear on the PACXTB report as well.) |
PACHD2 ACH Origination Returns and Notice of Changes |
This report shows any returns to the credit union included with the ACH file (before anything is posted).
PACHD3 ACH New Companies and Individual Accounts |
This report shows all of the distribution records that were added when the incoming ACH file was checked against the ACH master file.
PACHD Page 1 - ACH Suspense Update Exception Report Final page - ACH Settlement Report |
The first page of this report shows discrepancies found while the system checked for Tran Code mismatches and created any necessary company or distribution records (before anything is posted)
The final page of the report shows total debits and credits received by post date. These should match against the totals shown on the daily Fed advice. |
PACHSU ACH Suspense File Exception Report |
This report is generated prior to posting when the file is checked against the master ACH records, and shows a “preview” of any exception items in the file, including account number errors or insufficient funds. If you review this report in the morning, remember that items with an effective date in the future, as well as debits for the current date, may not have been posted yet. There may still be time to work these items to prevent them from becoming exceptions when they are posted. (Because credit items for the current date are posted in the morning, these items have usually already been posted by the time this report is pulled.) Refer to the PXACH report described below to see exceptions from the actual posting process. Generate this on demand by using Tool #672 Print PACHSU-Suspense Report. |
PXACH3 ACH Preauthorized Return Item Register |
(Generated each time the ACH file is received and posted.) This report shows any items which were flagged on the CU*BASE master ACH distribution record to be returned (such as a stop payment). Items on this report are posted to the ACH Exceptions/Suspense G/L account (870-11) and will also appear on the PXACH report (described below).
PXACH2 ACH General Ledger Payable Posting Register |
(Generated each time the ACH file is received and posted.) This report shows any debit or credit items to be posted directly to the credit union's general ledger, such as the payment of a utility bill from a G/L payable account directly to the utility company. |
PXACH1 ACH Posting Work File Creation Register |
(Generated each time the ACH file is received and posted.) This report shows all of the transactions with an effective post date on or before the current date. These are the items that will actually be included in the day's postings: credits in the morning and debits in the evening. |
PXACH ACH Posting Work File Creation Exception Report |
(Generated each time the ACH file is received and posted.) This report shows all debit and credit items which were posted as exceptions to the ACH Suspense G/L account (870-11) during the posting process. ******Because the items on this report have been posted to the suspense G/L, this report should be checked and the items maintained, returned (use the Work Daily ACH Exceptions system), or manually posted to member accounts as appropriate, offsetting the 870-11 G/L account.******
TACHD1 ACH Processing Transaction Register - Posting |
(Generated each time the ACH file is received and posted.) This report, generated after posting, shows all items that were actually posted to member accounts. |
TACHD2 ACH Processing Transaction Register - Recap |
(Generated twice daily, during both the morning and the evening posting process.) This report provides a recap of posted items, broken down by account type (i.e., shares, IRAs, loans, etc.). |
TACHD3 ACH Paid Up Loan Account Register - Posting |
(Generated each time the ACH file is received and posted.) This report shows any loans which were paid off during the ACH posting process. |
TACHD4 ACH Processing Transaction Register - Errors |
(Generated each time the ACH file is received and posted.) This report, along with the TACHD5 report, shows all NSF items which were posted as exceptions to the ACH Suspense G/L account (870-11). This report specifically explains the reason for the exception. ******Because the items on this report have been posted to the suspense G/L, this report should be checked and the items maintained, returned (use the Work Daily ACH Exceptions system), or manually posted to member accounts as appropriate, offsetting the 870-11 G/L account.******
TACHD5 NSF ACH Entry Transaction Register |
(Generated each time the ACH file is received and posted.) This report shows all NSF items which were posted as exceptions to the ACH Suspense G/L account (870-11). ******Because the items on this report have been posted to the suspense G/L, this report should be checked and the items maintained, returned (use the Work Daily ACH Exceptions system), or manually posted to member accounts as appropriate, offsetting the 870-11 G/L account.******
Related Topics
Understanding ACH - Overview and Terminology
ACH Exception Handling: Overview
Understanding ACH Suspense Accounting