Loan Information Report - Loan Interest Analysis

Screen ID: 

Screen Title: 

Panel Number:

Report Name:


Loan Information Report



Click here to magnify

Access this screen by selecting "Loan Interest Analysis" on the entry screen.

Helpful Resources

Visit Show Me the Steps for easy instructions on using Automated Reports to create, change, and delete report settings.

NOTE: This report can also be run from this screen with different search criteria.

For practical uses of this report and other recommendations, refer to this screen.

Screen Overview

This screen prints an extensive list of information about your loan portfolio in the form of the Loan Interest Analysis Report. Press Enter to print a list of all loans, or use the selection criteria to narrow down the information that appears on the report. These selection criteria are an excellent way to narrow your report to include only the loans you want to view.

How Do I Save/Retrieve My Report Settings?

For more details on setting up this feature, refer to the Automating Reports and Queries booklet, available on the CU*BASE Reference page. 

This report can be used with the “Report Scheduler,” a time-saving automation feature that allows you to select and save the filters you use to run several commonly used reports and then set these reports to be run automatically by our operations staff on the first of the month.  Or you can save the settings and run them manually by yourself at any time.

To save your report settings, first select your filters, including printer (can be a physical printer or the HOLDxx or MONTHxx OUTQs).  Then select Save Settings (F24).  On the next screen name your settings (we recommend adding your name!), and designate whether you wish to run this manually or if you wish for operations to run the report.  At a later time, use Retrieve Settings (F23) to populate the screen with the settings you have saved.  You can also edit your settings using Retrieve Settings (F23).  All saved settings can be viewed on the Report Automation: Standard Reports screen.

Field Description

Field Name


Process date

The month selected on the previous screen.

Output format

The output format selected on the previous screen.

Include written off loans

Checked by default. Leave this checked to include written off loans in your report results. Uncheck to not include these loans.

Export to file

(Optional) Check the “Export to file” go to a screen where you can choose to create a file that lets you use Member Connect to communicate instantly with these members via email and online banking messages, set up a marketing outreach via mailing labels and selective statement inserts, and track the responses via a telemarketing Tracker. This file will contain account base only. Or choose to export more data to use with CU*BASE Report Builder.

Report participation loans separately

If this box is checked, the report will separate out the participation loans in a separate section of the report.

General Information

Field Name


Corp ID

Select the Corp ID associated with the loan.

Branch #

(Optional) To include only loans associated with a specific branch, use the Select button to reveal a screen to select one or more loan categories. When you return to the screen, the count of the items selected with appear next to the button.

SEE ALSO: Filter and selection directions.

G/L account #

Select the G/L account or range of accounts that are associated with the loan. Otherwise all G/Ls will be included.

Business Unit

(Optional) To include only accounts with a specific business unit codes on the report, use the Select button to reveal screen to select one or more business units. SEE ALSO: Filter and selection directions. When you return to the screen, the count of the items selected with appear next to the button. SEE ALSO: Business Units

Category Code

(Optional) To include only loans with a specific loan category on the report, use the Select button to reveal a screen to select one or more loan categories. When you return to the screen, the count of the items selected with appear next to the button. SEE ALSO: Filter and selection directions. SEE ALSO: Configuring Loan Category Codes

Purpose Code

(Optional) A purpose code defines what a loan is used for. SEE ALSO: Configuring Loan Purpose Codes (1).

To include only loans with a specific purpose code on the report, use the Select button to reveal a screen to select one or more purpose code. SEE ALSO: Filter and selection directions. When you return to the screen, the count of the items selected with appear next to the button.

Dealer ID

(Optional) An indirect dealer is used for tracking purposes. SEE ALSO Configuring Dealer Information.

To include only loans with a specific dealer ID on the report, use the Select button to reveal a screen to select one or more dealer ID. SEE ALSO: Filter and selection directions. When you return to the screen, the count of the items selected with appear next to the button.

Security Code

(Optional) This code generally indicates whether the loan is secured or not, in comparison with collateral, which defines the actual property that has been offered to secure the loan. SEE ALSO: Configuring Loan Security Codes (1).

To include only loans with a specific security codes on the report, use the Select button to reveal a screen to select one or more loan security codes. SEE ALSO: Filter and selection directions. When you return to the screen, the count of the items selected with appear next to the button.

Process type

(Optional) To include only loans with a specific Process Type on the report, use the Select button to reveal a screen to select one or more Process Types. SEE ALSO: Filter and selection directions. When you return to the screen, the count of the items selected with appear next to the button.

SEE ALSO: Loan Process Types.

Process Codes include:

E Closed End

O Open End

C Construction

L Line of Credit

M Mortgage

P Student Loans in Payout

S Student Loans in Interum

V Online Credit Cards

Loan officer

(Optional) To include only loans with a specific loan officer on the report, use the Select button to reveal a screen to select one or more loan officers. When you return to the screen, the count of the items selected with appear next to the button. SEE ALSO: Filter and selection directions.

# of refinances

(Optional) Select a specific/range of time the loan has been refinanced.

Interest calc type

(Optional) The date the system last calculated interest on this loan. (Used by 360-day calculation types). To include only loans with a specific interest calc type on the report, use the Select button to reveal a screen to select one or more loan officers. SEE ALSO: Filter and selection directions. When you return to the screen, the count of the items selected with appear next to the button.

Interest is based on twelve 30-day months, calculated once each month on the 20th for the current month (i.e., interest is paid in arrears). See the booklet, CU*BASE Mortgage Products: 360-Day Interest Calculation for details on how this calculation works.

User defined code

(Optional) Enter a user defined code to include only loans with that code. This field is used for many different purposes. SEE ALSO: User defined codes.

Membership Designation

(Optional) To include only loans with a specific membership designation on the report, use the Select button to reveal a screen to select one or more designation. When you return to the screen, the count of the items selected with appear next to the button. SEE ALSO: Filter and selection directions.

SEE ALSO: Membership designation

Loan classification code

(Optional) To include only loans with a specific loan classification code on the report, use the Select button to reveal a screen to select one or more code. When you return to the screen, the count of the items selected with appear next to the button. SEE ALSO: Filter and selection directions.

SEE ALSO: Loan classification

Frozen account code

(Optional) To include only loans with a specific freeze code on the report, use the Select button to reveal a screen to select one or more freeze codes. When you return to the screen, the count of the items selected with appear next to the button. SEE ALSO: Filter and selection directions.

Click here for a list of freeze codes.

Payment protection code

(Optional) To include only loans with a specific payment protection code on the report, use the Select button to reveal a screen to select one or more payment protection codes. When you return to the screen, the count of the items selected with appear next to the button. SEE ALSO: Filter and selection directions. SEE ALSO: Debt protection and loan insurance.

Misc coverage code

(Optional) To include only loans with a specific miscellaneous coverage code on the report, use the Select button to reveal a screen to select one or more payment protection codes. When you return to the screen, the count of the items selected with appear next to the button. SEE ALSO: Filter and selection directions. SEE ALSO: Miscellaneous coverage.

Lease balloon flag

Leave blank (N/A) to view all loans, or select General, Leases only or Balloon.

Payment Information

Field Name


Disbursement amount

(Optional) Select a specific/range dollar amount that the member can still withdraw.

Disbursement limit

(Optional) Select a specific/range dollar amount for which the member is approved.

Current balance

(Optional) Select a specific/range of the current loan balance.

Payment amount

(Optional) Select a specific/range of the current payment amount.

Interest due amount

(Optional) Select a specific/range of interest due on the loan at the time the report is printed.

Total # of payments

(Optional) Select a specific/range of total number of payments assigned to a loan.

# of payments left

(Optional) Select a specific/range of payments remaining on a loan.

Interest rate

(Optional) Select a specific/range of interest rate assigned to the loan.

Payment frequency

(Optional) To include only loans with a specific payment frequency code on the report, use the Select button to reveal a screen to select one or more codes. When you return to the screen, the count of the items selected with appear next to the button. SEE ALSO: Filter and selection directions.

The default loan frequency codes include:


B BI-WEEKLY (every other week)


N BI-MONTHLY (every other month)



S SEMI-ANNUALLY (twice a year)


X SEMI-MONTHLY (15th & 30th)

Variable interest cd

(Optional) To include only loans with a specific variable interest code on the report, use the Select button to reveal a screen to select one or more codes. When you return to the screen, the count of the items selected with appear next to the button. SEE ALSO: Filter and selection directions.

These codes (either update, group, or contract) control variable rate loan products. SEE ALSO: Variable Rate Loans.

Date Information

Field Name


Review/Write off

(Optional) This field is conditional, depending on it f the loan has been reviewed or written off. Enter a date or date range.


(Optional) Select a date/range of dates when the loan was opened.


(Optional) Select a date/range of dates when the loan matures.

Last disbursed

(Optional) Select a date/range of dates when the last loan disbursement occurred.

Last payment

(Optional) Select a date/range of dates with the last loan payment date occurred

Next payment

(Optional) Select a date/range of dates when the next loan payment will occur.


Field Name


# of payments

(Optional) Select a specific/range of # of payments delinquent.

# of months, # of days

(Optional) Select a specific/range of days delinquent.

Delinquency fine ID

(Optional) Choose from your credit union defined delinquency fine ID codes. To include only loans with a specific code on the report, use the Select button to reveal a screen to select one or more codes. When you return to the screen, the count of the items selected with appear next to the button. SEE ALSO: Filter and selection directions.


Report Sample
