Loan Application - Financial Summary

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Access this screen by selecting the "Summary" button on the loan application screens.

Helpful Resources

How Loan Applications Work with the Household Database

Visit Show Me the Steps for easy instructions on how to use CU*BASE to complete tasks related to loan applications and opening a new loan.

I keep getting locked out a loan application. What is the "correct" way to exit a loan application without locking someone else or myself out of it?

I am a loan officer reviewing the application screens with a loan underwriter and the loan underwriter changes are not being saved. Why is this happening?

I select a loan request and then when I am on the loan application screens, I do not see all ten buttons at the bottom of the screen.  Why is this happening?

Is the CLR Path score on the Summary Loan Application screen for the current day?

A similar screenwill appear when maintaining household information, after using the Change option on the Household Members screen.

Screen Overview

For loan applications, this screen shows a financial summary using all of the data gathered on the previous application screens. In addition, the system calculates ratios and scores them using your credit union's configured scoring system. There are a series of buttons along the bottom of the screen to allow you to view a summary that includes or excludes this new loan, and to view individual or combined summaries for the applicant and co-applicant.

  • NOTE:  Gross income data is shown on this screen.  

There is also a similar screen used to view a summary for an individual in a household.

This screen summarizes member assets, debts, income and expenses. It also allows you to see the Risk Score and Paper Grade from the credit report, calculated income and expense ratios, and loan-to-value (or CLTV if appropriate) ratio calculated using all collateral records tied to the applicant. Press Enter to advance to the Print Loan Application Forms screen.

If a CLR Path Decision score is available, it will appear in the upper right hand box of this screen.  CLR Path (Character Lending on Reputation) is a non-FICO approach to lending that uses your unique relationship with your members to help you make decisions on what you already know about your members. Learn more: Overview: CLR Path  

When done viewing these figures, press Enter to move to the Print screen or use Save/Done (F10) to exit the application and return to the Loan Recap screen.

  • IMPORTANT NOTE:  Do not use the button (F7) if you wish to save changes on this screen.  In fact, using on any of the application screens will actually clear any data from that screen without saving it from the household database.  Using the button (F3), however, will save changes made to the screen.  It is recommended, however, that you use Save/Done (F10) to exit this screen after making changes to it.

Field Descriptions

Field Name


Borrower Name(s)

This section shows the name of the household member.

Assets/Net Worth


Total assets

A total of all the Market Value amounts entered on the Assets screen.

  • NOTE: If this loan has collateral attached to it, this amount will also include the Estimated Value from all collateral records attached to this loan. Click the Sum w/o New Ln button to exclude these amounts from the calculations.

    This total also includes any savings and checking account balances (both credit union and other depository) as shown on the Income screen.

Total debts

A total of all the Present Balance amounts entered on the Debts screen, plus all of the Present Balance and Balance amounts entered on the Debts screen.

  • NOTE: This total will also include the Amount Requested for this loan request. Click the Sum w/o New Ln button to exclude this amount from the calculations.

Net worth

Total Assets minus Total Debts.

Total credit limit

A total of the Original Balance/Credit Limit amounts from the Debts screen where the LOC flag is checked, plus all of the Credit Limit amounts entered on the Debts screen.

Outstanding credit

A total of the Present Balance amounts entered on the Debts screen where the LOC flag is checked, plus all of the Present Balance amounts entered on the Debts screen.

Available credit

Total credit limit minus Outstanding credit.

Secured debt

A total of Present Balance amounts entered on the Debts screen where the Sec flag is checked.

  • NOTE: If this loan has collateral attached to it, this amount will also include the Amount Requested for this loan request. Click the Sum w/o New Ln button to exclude this amount from the calculations.

Unsecured debt

A total of Present Balance amounts entered on the Debts screen where the Sec flag is unchecked.

  • NOTE: If this loan does NOT have collateral attached to it, this amount will also include the Amount Requested for this loan request. Click the Sum w/o New Ln button to exclude this amount from the calculations.

Total debt

Secured debt plus Unsecured debt.

Loan deal filters result

This will show the status of deal filters run on this loan request, if any. If the app passes those filters, you will see a status of “Pass” here.  Otherwise use the Run Deal Filters button to run the filters again and see details.

  • NOTE: Deal filters are run automatically the first time the Summary screen is accessed during a session.  If you exit the lending queue and come back into this app at a later time, the system will run the deal filters once again. Otherwise you will need to use the Run Deal Filters button to re-run the filters, such as if you’ve updated income data or modified the collateral. (When in doubt, feel free to run them again!)


This section calculates a total of the income amounts entered on the Income screen and compares expense amounts as entered on the Debts screen.

Amounts are expressed first in annual terms, and then are calculated as Quarterly, Monthly and Weekly.

Total Income
Net or Gross

This shows total income, including regular employment income as well as other income #1 and #2 from the Income screen. The text represents how the income amounts are stated, either net or gross, depending on the selection made on the Income screen.

  • NOTE: If the applicant and co-applicant use a different “Net/Gross” designation, the text will represent the applicant's designation in the combined view.

Mortgage expense

A total of the Payment amounts of real estate debts entered on the Debts screen.

Secured expense

A total of the Payment amounts entered on the Debts screen where the Secured flag is checked.

  • NOTE: If this loan has collateral attached to it, this amount will also include the Payment amount for this loan request. Click the Without New Loan button (or F14) to exclude this amount from the calculations.

Unsecured expense

A total of the Payment amounts entered on the Debts screen where the Secured flag is unchecked.

  • NOTE: If this loan does NOT have collateral attached to it, this amount will also include the Payment amount for this loan request. Click the Without New Loan button (or F14) to exclude this amount from the calculations.

Total Expense

A total of the Mortgage exp, Secured exp and Unsecured exp amounts.

Expense/Income Ratios

The calculations for the Class A, B, and C rating columns are determined by your credit union’s ratio configurations. (A rating of “A” represents the lowest risk; “C” represents the highest risk.) These are configured using the Base Ratio Analysis Config. (Tool #170: Base Ratio Analysis Configuration), or using the Ratio feature (F6) from within Loan Category Configuration.

To see the math used to calculate these ratios, click the button in the header row.

If you are interested in seeing the dollar amounts used here click the Toggle button (shown above) to show the amount. For example, instead of displaying the Total expense/total of 66.37%, you can toggle to show 33,189.00/50,000.00.

Total Expense/
Total Income

Total Expense divided by Total Income (maximum is 999.99%).

Unsecured debt/
Total income

Unsecured Debt divided by Total Income (maximum is 999.99%).

Mortgage expense/
Total income

Mortgage Expense divided by Total Income (maximum is 999.99%).

Total debts/
Total income

Total Debt divided by Total Income (maximum is 999.99%).

Total credit limit/
Tot income

Total Credit Limit divided by Total Income (maximum is 999.99%).

Loan to value

This ratio is calculated using the loan amount and the estimated value from all of the collateral records (if any) attached to this loan application.

(Loan amount / total estimated value) * 100 = LTV%

HINT: This will also print on the standard Loan Officer Worksheet.

  • NOTE:  If more than one collateral item is attached to this loan, this value will be the Combined Loan to Value (CLTV)


Credit Score

The credit risk score for this individual.


The credit risk “paper grade” (also referred to as “CU Risk Level”) for this individual.


The date on which the score and grade were last updated.




Underwriting Comments (F5)

Use this to view or edit Underwriting Comments for this member.

Save/Done (F10)

Use this to exit and return to the Loan Recap or Loan App Check Results screen (if this feature is activated). Any changes made to this screen will be saved.

Without New Loan (F14)

Use this to remove this loan from the asset and debt figures, to show the member’s ratings and scores without the loan. Click the button again (it will read Sum With New Ln) to include this loan in the total figures.

Applicant Only (F15)

Use this to see statistics for the applicant only.

Combined (F16)

Use this to see statistics for both the applicant and co-applicant combined.

Co-Applicant Only

Use this to see figures for the co-applicant only.

View Credit Report (F20)

View credit reports for the primary and co-borrowers.

Run Deal Filters (F21)

Use this to re-run the deal filters against the current information on this loan application.  If the app passes those filters, you will see a status of “Pass” on this screen.  Otherwise the Loan Deal Filter Results window will appear to show the reasons for the failure.

  • NOTE: Deal filters are run automatically the first time the Summary screen is accessed during a session.  If you exit the lending queue and come back into this app at a later time, the system will run the deal filters once again. Otherwise you will need to use this button to re-run the filters, such as if you’ve updated income data or modified the collateral. (When in doubt, feel free to run them again!)