Verify Member (Check, Money Order, and Miscellaneous Advance)

Screen ID:


Screen Title: Verification
Panel ID: 6619
Tool Number: 1
    Click here to magnify

This screen appears after the Process Codes Check, Money Order, or Miscellaneous Advance are selected on the Teller Processing screen, prior to the subsequent Check or Money Order or Miscellaneous Advance screens being displayed.

Check out the video related to this topic: Verify Member Screen (More videos below!)

Screen Overview

This screen is used to verify personal information for the member including name, address, driver’s license number, birth date, and code word. Once you have confirmed the member’s identity, click the Verified Member button or use Enter to move to the  Check or Money Order or Miscellaneous Advance screen, based on the process code you selected.  

This window is also used to show Account Comment records pertaining to this member. These can be comments placed by automated CU*BASE systems, such as loan delinquency alerts or stop pay requests, or manual comments entered by a credit union employee regarding how this member's account should be handled.

This window also allows you to access several other member service features to find out more about this member or to answer their questions, by clicking various buttons located throughout the screen.  See below for more details about these features.


  • The member’s birth date will be highlighted in red if today is the member’s birthday. Don't forget to wish your member a Happy Birthday!  This color is also used if the member is deceased.

  • If the birth date is green the member is a minor (under age 18). Be sure to follow appropriate procedures! (NOTE: On the member's birthday, the date will be shown in red regardless of the member’s age.)

  • If you see the member's last name highlighted in yellow, a long last name is on file to view. Select the spyglass to view a pop-up window with the member's full last name

  • If you see the member's address, phone number, or email is highlighted in yellow, this indicates that it has been marked as wrong.  

  • If you see ****** asterisks in place of some of the personal information on this screen, this is due to the fact that this screen is subject to Privacy Controls.

  • If you do not want this window to appear automatically, use the Auto display the pop-up window for ID verification and account comments feature in Teller and Member Workflow Controls (Tool #1005).

  • Currently Serving Other Owner: If you are using the Currently Serving feature to assist the member in front of you (that is not the primary member on the account), that person’s information will show in the yellow box to the right. All other details on the screen will be of the primary on the account.

Integration between CU*BASE and Your Imaging Solution

The Scan e-Document or No ID on File buttons will present ProDOC to scan a photo ID into your eDocuments archive.  The View e-Document or Verify My ID buttons also retrieve all archived photo IDs for the member (by Social Security number.)

  • This feature is not available if you are assisting a member of another credit union.

  • Remember: Only documents warranted by the CU*Spy online vault can be scanned into that vault.

  • Clients with in-house imaging solutions should contact Imaging Solutions for assistance configuring links for use with your vault.

  •  Learn more about this feature, including troubleshooting tips.  

Membership Designations and Related Procedures

The title at the top of the screen (such as Individual or Trust or Sole Proprietorship, etc.) is taken from the Membership Designation code on this account. The membership designation will also control what label appears in front of the member's name (such as Name or Owner or Trustee, etc.).

Click images\proceeduresclickfor_shg.gif to read your credit union's configured procedure tips for handling a membership of this kind.

Tiered Service Level

The Tiered Service Points badge in the upper right corner of the screen displays the member's current Tiered Service level. Click to display the Tiered Points Inquiry, which gives a quick breakdown of the Tiered Service points awarded to the member, including a listing of possible points, points earned for this month, points earned for last month, points earned year to date, and lifetime points.

Running CLR Path Advisor While Working as a Teller

CLR Path (Character Lending on Reputation) is a free tool that lets you evaluate the strength of your relationship with a member based on data in CU*BASE (such as length of membership and number of delinquencies), giving you tools without the need to pull (or pay for) a credit score. Access CLR Path by clicking See Advice and Get Advice from the Decision Advice section. Learn more: CLR Path Decision Advisor booklet and Overview: CLR Path Decision Advisor

Buttons on the Contact Info Tab

Transaction Activity

Click the Transaction Activity button to view a quick snapshot of this member's activity with the credit union, including a comparison of activity branch to the member's assigned asset branch, transaction activity calculated with CU-defined cost/weight factors, and marketing pointers based on the member's transaction patterns. All of this information is designed to help you begin a conversation with this member that shows you know the member and his or her relationship with the credit union.

Secondary Names

Click the Secondary Names button to view joint owner, beneficiary, and loan additional signer names that are attached to this member's accounts. The Secondary Names Inquiry screen will appear. This will also allow you to view photo IDs of members with scanned IDs. You can also record here whether an ID was collected for the person by checking the ID on File checkbox.

Cross Sales

Click the Cross Sales button to track cross-selling activities with members. Tasks can be grouped according to Need Groups to better organize tasks according to a member's situation and needs. Cross Sales allows you to view the status of the last time a member was offered a service or product, to view services or products currently promoted, and to create a record of your current conversation with the member.

Online Banking (Self-Service Products)

This button provides access to the Online Banking Usage inquiry window, which provides information about a member's use of your credit union's online services, including:

  • Online banking usage statistics and last logged in date.  Look for a Last Logged in date to determine the last time (or if) the member has logged into online banking.

  • E-statement enrollment status

  • Bill pay enrollment status

  • eAlert/e-Notice subscriptions

  • PIB Profile

Buttons on the Products Tab

Household Stats

Click the Household Statistics button to view all the members that are currently enrolled in a household. From this screen, you may enroll a new member into the household, delete a current member, move a member to a different household, modify the database information on a specific member, or view statistics about the household as a whole.

  • NOTE: If the Household Statistics button does not appear on this screen, this may be due to Privacy Controls. If a user’s workstation is configured as “Call Center” or the user has accessed this screen by entering a Shared Branch ID (is configured as “Other Staff”), the user will not see the Household Statistics button. Learn more about Privacy Controls.


If a member has follow-ups on Tracker conversations associated with his or her account, and the Tracker Type is configured to show the Follow-Ups button, this button will appear on the Products tab. Click it to access the Work with Follow-Ups screen to update the Tracker conversation. This button will only be clickable if follow-ups exist for the member.




Sales Tools (F15)

Use this to display the Sales Tools pop-up window for access to various CU*BASE sales and marketing tools.

Tracker Review (F17)

Use this option to enter a tracker conversation for a member.

Membership Designation (F23)

Use this to read your credit union's configured procedure tips for handling a membership of this kind. The membership designation will also control what label appears in front of the member's name (such as Name or Owner or Trustee, etc.).

Additional Video Resources

Check out these additional video resources!

Learn more about the Verify Member Screen.

View more teller processing videos.

Learn how to transfer funds via Phone Operator.

Visit the CU*BASE video library.